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Hotel Heidelberg

Hotel Villa Marstall

Hotel Villa Marstall

The 3-star hotel is loca­ted directly next to the Neckar river and the Heidelberg Mar­stall. The pede­strian zone is also not far away.

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The city of Heidelberg is one of the most famous cities in Ger­many with its impres­sive archi­tec­ture. Most people who live bet­ween Heidelberg and Stutt­gart are more likely to men­tion Heidelberg abroad when asked where exactly they are from in Ger­many. And once you are in Heidelberg, you notice at the latest in the pic­tures­que Old Town: Many nati­ons meet here. Espe­ci­ally the Ruprecht Karls Uni­ver­sity, which is the oldest uni­ver­sity in Ger­many, attracts stu­dents from all over the world. Of course, they like to romp around among the Heidelberg houses, the many Heidelberg hotels and the sights in the streets of the city. You may not be able to guess every nation, but what is usually par­ti­cu­larly noti­ceable in Heidelberg are the Asians, often wan­de­ring around in small groups. Because bes­i­des the Asian exch­ange stu­dents, many people from the Asian region also like to come to Heidelberg and take pic­tures of the city down to the smal­lest detail. Espe­ci­ally popu­lar is the Heidelberg Castle and the Old Bridge as well as the Haupt­straße (main street). It is one of the lon­gest pede­strian zones in Ger­many, along which many archi­tec­tu­rally beau­tiful buil­dings are lined up. For exam­ple the Heidelberg Hotel Ritter, which is loca­ted directly on the Haupt­straße, is a popu­lar photo motif with its old facade.

Heidelberg Castle
Bridge Gate
Bismarckplatz start of Hauptstraße

A high­light in Heidelberg is pro­ba­bly the Heidelberg Castle Illu­mi­na­tion, for which many people travel to Heidelberg espe­ci­ally. Some hotels in Heidelberg have spe­cial offers for this to make your stay as plea­sant as pos­si­ble. Heidelberg has even mana­ged to join the ranks of the city ver­si­ons of Mono­poly. In Heidelberg Mono­poly you can “buy” Heidelberg Castle, the Philosopher’s Path, the Heidelberg Suites Hotel or the Heidelberg Zoo. The beau­tiful sce­n­ery that Heidelberg offers is of course not unno­ti­ced by some direc­tors. For exam­ple, the sce­n­ery with the castle in the back­ground appears in the first German Net­flix ori­gi­nal “Isi & Ossi”, which was pro­du­ced in Heidelberg and Mann­heim. Also in the ARD series “Hotel Heidelberg” you can see the beau­tiful Heidelberg sce­n­ery again and again. Maybe a little dis­ap­poin­ting is that the hotel Heidelberg in the series is actually not a hotel at all, but a villa of a real estate developer.


In a tou­rist mee­ting place like Heidelberg, there are of course many hotels. Whe­ther expen­sive, cheap, old, new, large or small. The hotels in Heidelberg make the choice really dif­fi­cult. Espe­ci­ally since many of the hotels are loca­ted in the city centre and thus have good con­nec­tions to the various sights. Often just by foot. The fact that the occu­p­ancy rate of the hotels 2 years ago was the hig­hest in the whole fede­ral state pro­ba­bly speaks for itself. And they were not fully booked because there are too few hotels, quite the con­trary, there are even new hotels ope­ning every year. Just in spring 2020 the Qube Hotel Bahn­stadt opened and in the field of vision of the Hotel Hei­del­ber­ger Hof a new and large hotel is also being built in Heidelberg. The guests of Heidelberg hotels, howe­ver, do not always come to the city just for sight­see­ing. Often rela­ti­ves of pati­ents of the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pi­tal come to Heidelberg and look for accom­mo­da­tion in one of the hotels. Of course the price is always very important, bes­i­des the loca­tion and size of the hotel. Heidelberg offers a variety of accom­mo­da­tion through pri­vate bed & break­fasts, pen­si­ons, youth hos­tels, hos­tels, apartments/apartment hotels or ” just” hotels. The respec­tive offers and prices in the indi­vi­dual cate­go­ries are cor­re­spon­din­gly dif­fe­rent. Those who like it big and luxu­rious will pro­ba­bly find their place in a Grand Hotel, such as the 5-star Grand Hotel Euro­päi­scher Hof. The mostly a little smal­ler but still luxu­rious hotels are the bou­tique hotels that are also often found in Heidelberg (e.g. Hotel Heidelberg Suites, Qube Bahn­stadt, Qube Berg­heim). Many of the hotels loca­ted in the Old Town have their seat in his­to­ri­cal walls, which are often seve­ral hundred years old. For exam­ple the Art­Ho­tel Heidelberg or the Hotel Villa Mar­stall. In terms of price, one might think that the hotels loca­ted directly in the Old Town or on the main street are the most expen­sive. But: wrong thought, at least for the major part. Indeed, there are more expen­sive hotels in the city centre (that means the Old Town and Berg­heim), but there are also spo­ra­di­cally che­a­per hotels. Among the hotels that are not loca­ted in the city centre, there are more che­a­per ones that are also lower in price than the che­a­per ones of the city centre. Nevert­hel­ess, there are also some more expen­sive hotels out­side the city centre. In Heidelberg there are many pri­va­tely run hotels, but also some hotel chains, such as the Leo­nardo Hotels or the Mar­riott Hotels.

Europäischer Hof Heidelberg
Hotel Villa Marstall
Hotel Heidelberg Suites

Hotel Types

Hotel, hostel, B&B, apart­ho­tel and apart­ments. Some­ti­mes you don’t even know what the dif­fe­rence is. And also in Heidelberg you can find “Hotel Heidelberg”, “Hostel Heidelberg” or “Apart­ments Heidelberg” if you are loo­king for an accommodation.


Basi­cally, an apart­ment (also called an apart­ment-hotel) is a “room” that is fully equip­ped like a small apart­ment. A small kit­chen, a bath­room and pos­si­bly even a sepa­rate living and slee­ping area are mainly used for longer stays. There are also often hotels that offer some apart­ments in the hotel or in a sepa­rate buil­ding in addi­tion to their “normal” rooms.


A hostel dif­fers from other accom­mo­da­ti­ons mostly by the low price. Hos­tels are usually pri­va­tely run and all have their own indi­vi­dual touch. There are usually shared rooms or dor­mi­t­ories and gene­rally many shared rooms. Howe­ver, some of them also offer some single rooms in addi­tion to the shared rooms. Espe­ci­ally back­pa­ckers and young people book hos­tels, also because bes­i­des the low price they are very often in the centre of a city. The atmo­sphere will also be more rela­xed due to the visi­tors than in a hotel. Often hos­tels also offer common acti­vi­ties. The ser­vice is dif­fe­rent in every hostel, so you may be allo­wed to take coffee, tea and cere­als for free in one hostel, and may need to bring your own bed linen to ano­ther hostel if you don’t want to pay a few euros. In gene­ral, the cont­act with the other guests is bigger in a hostel than in a hotel.

Bed and Breakfast

A Bed and Break­fast or also B&B usually means a room in a pri­vate house. As the name sug­gests, the price includes break­fast in addi­tion to the bed or room. In a pri­vate house you don’t live alone, but with the owners and maybe even other guests under one roof. Depen­ding on the boo­king and the size of the accom­mo­da­tion, there is a pri­vate bath­room bes­i­des the room. If not, the bath­room is shared. The ser­vice is not pro­vi­ded by employees but by the host. In a B&B you are like with fri­ends you haven’t seen for a long time. You just ring the door­bell and sleep in the guest room. B&Bs are usually also che­a­per and are often offe­red by older cou­ples. The atmo­sphere here is very fami­liar and you often get some insi­der tips.


Howe­ver, most common, you will still find the clas­sic hotels in cities like Heidelberg. Depen­ding on the faci­li­ties, ser­vice and qua­lity, hotels fall into dif­fe­rent cate­go­ries (stars 1-5). The rooms are pri­vate with a bath­room and usually there is at least break­fast in the hotel. Towels and bed linen are also pro­vi­ded by the hotels and they even have to pro­vide them to their guests. Of course, bes­i­des the sub­di­vi­sion of the hotels into stars, there are also dif­fe­rent names. Thus, most of the times, the Grand Hotel is big and luxu­rious and the Bou­tique Hotel rather smal­ler and more per­so­nal. Bou­tique hotels are often also descri­bed as bou­tique-design hotels, as the owners often pay spe­cial atten­tion to the fur­nis­hing. By the way: In order to be descri­bed as a “Grand Hotel”, you don’t have to meet cer­tain cri­te­ria. And there is also no uni­form defi­ni­tion for the designation.

Hotel Heidelberger Hof


The term boar­ding­house might lead thin­king about the air­port and a short stay bet­ween two flights. But again, wrong thought. In a boar­ding­house you will find fur­nis­hed apart­ments for longer stays with hotel-like ser­vices. The boar­ding­hou­ses are often loca­ted in the city and are booked by com­pa­nies for their workers or by busi­ness­men who have some­thing to do in the city. They are more likely to book a boar­ding­house than a hotel, because a boar­ding­house simply has the lower price.

Hotel prices in Heidelberg

The prices for an over­night stay in a hotel in Heidelberg can of course, as in any city, only be cal­cu­la­ted as a lump sum. Because depen­ding on season, day and time, prices can rise and fall, and not just by a few cents. For 3 star hotels, the price is on average appro­xi­m­ately under the 100 € mark and for the 4 star hotels a few Euros over it. The 5 star hotels are alre­ady almost 300€ per night, but they also offer cor­re­spon­ding luxury.

Guests in Heidelberg

The Royals Wil­liam and Kate were pro­ba­bly the high­light in Heidelberg a few years ago. Alt­hough they were only in Heidelberg for a few hours, they still caused quite a stir. On the con­trary to the two, there were also some cele­bri­ties who stayed in a hotel in Heidelberg for one or the other night. So the Hotel Euro­päi­scher Hof Heidelberg is ador­ned with many famous names from dif­fe­rent deca­des. Bes­i­des poli­ti­ci­ans and noble­men of today and history, the fashion desi­gner Wolf­gang Joop, the boxer Muham­mad Ali, the Klit­schko brot­hers, David Has­sel­hoff and also Ed Sheeran and Nena among many others have found their way to the Euro­päi­scher Hof. The actor and crime scene com­mis­sio­ner Richy Müller and the former German pre­si­dent Horst Köhler have also made their way to the Neu Heidelberg Hotel.


One thing should now be cer­tain, if you want to stay in a hotel in Heidelberg, in or near the Old Town, and stay longer than one or two nights, you should rather plan a little more money than too little. Fin­ding a hotel in the city centre is not very dif­fi­cult, because even for less money you can find some­thing here. And even if you can’t find a sui­ta­ble one, you can reach the sights very easily by bus and train. And if you have your accom­mo­da­tion in the city centre, depen­ding on the loca­tion you don’t even need public trans­port to be able to cross most of the sights off your to-do list. In the large sel­ec­tion of hotels and accom­mo­da­ti­ons there should be some­thing for every visi­tor of Heidelberg.