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Par­king in Heidelberg

Fin­ding a par­king lot in Heidelberg can vary in dif­fi­culty from dis­trict to dis­trict. Howe­ver, it is often a longer pro­cess, as there are not enough free par­king lots available in Heidelberg. Due to the con­stantly gro­wing popu­la­tion and many tou­rists, there is a lack of par­king spaces in many places.

Howe­ver, always keep to the cur­rent regu­la­ti­ons – this is not only gene­rally the right thing to do, it can also save you a lot of trou­ble and money – because in Heidelberg there is a very strict and active car park sur­veil­lance (German: Poli­tes­sen & Poli­teure) who are happy to hand out juicy par­king tickets (German: Knöllchen)!

Adver­ti­sing on our own behalf 🙂

Heidelberg art post­cards by kunstiline

  • Heidelberg artist
  • 12 motifs from the areas of fri­ends, family & partnership
  • Hand­made: Pro­duc­tion by screen prin­ting in a work­shop for dis­ab­led people.
  • Sus­tainable paper: FSC® cer­ti­fied & 100% wind energy
  • Ship­ping car­tons in the first dis­posable reusable system.
  • 12 trees in kunst­i­line forest

Par­king in the Old Town

The Old Town is for sure the most inte­res­t­ing dis­trict for all inha­bi­tants of Heidelberg – whe­ther locals or tou­rists. The most beau­tiful sights, the shop­ping para­dise, Heidelberg’s main street, are loca­ted here and attract thou­sands of people every day. If you don’t come by public trans­port but with your own car, you will want to park as cen­trally as possible.

You have the pos­si­bi­lity to drive through the Old Town and hope for a free par­king lot – my tip: don’t do that. It costs time, nerves and fuel. There are a few places where you can get a free par­king space every now and then, even in Heidelberg’s Old Town – but is it worth the detour?

Par­king garages

A well-meant piece of advice: if you want to drive into the Old Town by car and don’t have a pri­vate par­king space (e.g. at your hotel or at a friend’s) – invest a few euros in a par­king garage. Take a look at Google Maps to see which sights, shops or restau­rants are inte­res­t­ing for you and which car park is the most convenient.

For­t­u­na­tely, the city of Heidelberg has alre­ady crea­ted an online portal with an over­view of all car parks – inclu­ding the cur­rent occu­p­ancy! So you can check again shortly before you leave to see whe­ther your chosen car park still has enough free par­king spaces or whe­ther you would rather take the next one and take a short walk through the beau­tiful Heidelberg Old Town!

Par­king in Heidelberg | Portal of the city of Heidelberg
(opens in new tab)


Map of all car parks in Heidelberg

Screen­shot of parken.heidelberg.de