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Faci­lity clea­ning Heidelberg

Faci­lity clea­ning in Heidelberg

Are you loo­king for a clea­ning com­pany that will pro­fes­sio­nally clean pri­vate and/or com­mer­cial pro­per­ties in Heidelberg for you? Do not worry! We have alre­ady gained expe­ri­ence with clea­ning com­pa­nies in Heidelberg: Ser­vice, per­for­mance and price are not simply the same for every company.

The pro­fes­sio­nal team, the qua­lity of ser­vices and the per­cep­ti­ble cle­an­li­ness after clea­ning our offices make HG Haus­meis­ter­ser­vice & Gebäu­de­rei­ni­gung our relia­ble partner.

search cleaning company in heidelberg

What is com­mer­cial cleaning?

Pro­fes­sio­nal clea­ning is simply an essen­tial part of any resi­den­tial or com­mer­cial pro­perty, regard­less of its pur­pose or level of use. Regu­lar clea­ning of your pro­perty will keep it clean and attrac­tive so that it is safe for workers, fami­lies and/or resi­dents, and so that it does not con­tri­bute to the spread of bac­te­ria and viru­ses. Regu­lar clea­ning is car­ried out by the clea­ning com­pany with the aim of kee­ping the pro­perty clean and hygie­nic for a long time and main­tai­ning its value and life for many years.

Have your building neatly and professionally cleaned

What does buil­ding mean in this case?

“Buil­ding” here may refer to any real pro­perty used for a spe­ci­fic pur­pose. A hos­pi­tal, for exam­ple, is used to accom­mo­date and treat pati­ents. On the other hand, the pri­mary pur­pose of a resi­den­tial faci­lity is to pro­vide a safe and com­for­ta­ble living envi­ron­ment for its resi­dents. An office or work faci­lity serves com­mer­cial purposes.

Common types of buil­dings in Heidelberg:

  • Resi­den­tial
  • Com­mer­cial real estate
  • Office space
  • Warehou­ses
  • Hotels and restaurants
  • Medi­cal facilities
  • Child care facilities
your partner team for cleanliness takes on a wide range of services with a lot of experience

And why does that matter?

Sub­ject to the type of faci­lity or pro­perty, Faci­lity clea­ning in Heidelberg can itself be a very broad term that can be sub-divi­ded into dif­fe­rent ser­vices such as office clea­ning, warehouse clea­ning, resi­den­tial clea­ning, post-con­s­truc­tion clea­ning, hos­pi­tal clea­ning, child care faci­lity clea­ning, and more.

That is, a single clea­ner or the wrong clea­ning com­pany may not be qua­li­fied to handle all of the above types of properties.

The­r­e­fore, it is important to rese­arch carefully based on your spe­ci­fic demands and the type of faci­lity before con­trac­ting a clea­ning com­pany in Heidelberg.

your partner for cleanliness: cleaning company Heidelberg

Why is Faci­lity clea­ning in Heidelberg so important?

A clean buil­ding pro­tects the faci­lity and the occupants/employees from unwan­ted all­er­gies, germs, and ill­nesses. As pre­viously descri­bed, the essen­tial pur­pose of faci­lity clea­ning is to keep the buil­ding or pro­perty clean, well-main­tai­ned, and appe­al­ing to both occupants/employees and visitors.

experience has shown: a professional partner is important!

Office clea­ning Heidelberg

A tidy and well-main­tai­ned office buil­ding not only moti­va­tes your team to work more effec­tively, but also impres­ses all visi­tors, inclu­ding poten­tial busi­ness pro­s­pects, who enter your pre­mi­ses. In sum­mary, regu­lar clea­ning of your pre­mi­ses will increase effi­ci­ency and pro­duc­ti­vity, and may even bring you new clients.

service and performance differ from cleaning company to cleaning company

Clea­ning of resi­den­tial properties

Like­wise, regu­lar clea­ning of resi­den­tial pro­per­ties is important not only to keep Heidelberg loo­king nice and neat, but it also helps to ensure a healthy life for residents.

your partner for cleanliness: cleaning company Heidelberg

What does the clea­ning of faci­li­ties include?

Faci­lity clea­ning as a ser­vice invol­ves ever­y­thing from regu­lar clea­ning of the pre­mi­ses to main­ten­ance of the property.

Regu­lar basic clea­ning / main­ten­ance cleaning

Regu­lar clea­ning refers to the basic clea­ning of cru­cial areas such as sur­faces, win­dows, walls, fur­ni­ture, toilets/bathrooms, kit­chens, wash­rooms, etc. at regu­lar inter­vals (daily/weekly).

Deep clea­ning

Deep clea­ning invol­ves a detailed clea­ning of the entire object, inclu­ding car­pets, walls, fur­ni­ture, air vents, elec­tro­nics and much more. Depen­ding on the type of faci­lity, it should be per­for­med monthly or annually.

Tidy­ing up

Tidy­ing up is about being sure that ever­y­thing in your pro­perty is well arran­ged and pro­perly placed. Bes­i­des pro­vi­ding an attrac­tive appearance, it also boosts pro­duc­ti­vity and impro­ves the working atmosphere.

our professional partners provide simple & reliable cleanliness in heidelberg

Price of pro­fes­sio­nal office clea­ning in Heidelberg

Because clea­ning ser­vices are available for a wide range of faci­li­ties – inclu­ding restau­rants, medi­cal faci­li­ties, retail stores, churches, schools, and the like – the median price for com­mer­cial clea­ning ser­vices can vary considerably.

Basic cleaning: clean and professional without worries - but at what cost?

Clea­ning, yes! Howe­ver, not simply the same every time.

Taking into account that some cli­ents prefer to hire pro­fes­sio­nal Faci­lity clea­ners only for a one-time ser­vice, while others use the clea­ning ser­vice on a daily and recur­rent basis, this explains some of the cost variances.

Price fac­tors

So let’s examine some of the con­tri­bu­ting fac­tors that can affect the expense of office cleaning:

  1. Clea­ning per square meter
  2. One time or regular
  3. Number of win­dows and bathrooms
  4. Flat rates for cer­tain services
  5. Dif­fe­rent hourly rates