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Art­Ho­tel Heidelberg

All detailsPrices / Booking

the short version


  • right in the Old Town
  • modern design, yet historical
  • own roof terrace
  • own under­ground car park
  • all sights of the Old Town within easy wal­king distance


  • not bar­rier-free
  • directly at a small inter­sec­tion where a lot is going on (stu­dents, bus, cars, bikes)
  • no can­cel­la­tion wit­hout charge


The Art­Ho­tel is loca­ted in the Old Town of Heidelberg. Directly in front of the hotel’s front door is the oldest uni­ver­sity library in Ger­many, Heidelberg Uni­ver­sity Library. Next to the large sand­stone buil­ding of the library is the Peters­kir­che. At the cross­roads where the hotel is loca­ted, there is a lot going on, espe­ci­ally towards the end of the semes­ters of Heidelberg stu­dents, also because the cafe­te­ria is just around the corner.

In front of the library, there are many bikes and cars and also the bus passes the hotel from the uni­ver­sity square. The Schloss­berg Tunnel, through which many cars find their way every day, ends a few metres above the Art­Ho­tel. But due to the reason that the hotel is not loca­ted right at the adjoi­ning street Fried­rich-Ebert-Anlage, one only some­ti­mes hears a loud motorcycle.

If one is on the Semi­nar­straße that passes the glass front of the hotel, it is even pos­si­ble to get a view of the Heidelberg Castle. Thus, if you plan your stay in the Art­Ho­tel Heidelberg, you are really in the middle of the Old Town and the stu­dent bustle. And also the tou­ristic hustle and bustle in the Haupt­straße is only a few metres away from the hotel. You just walk past the uni­ver­sity library and the uni­ver­sity square and you are part of the hustle and bustle.

St. Peter's Church
University Library
If you want to get out of the Old Town, but you did not arrive by car, there are seve­ral bus stops in close surroundings.

From the bus stop at the Peters­kir­che, one gets to the main sta­tion rela­tively fast with the bus line 20 or 32. Also the sub­ur­ban train sta­tion Heidelberg Alt­stadt can quickly be rea­ched from there with the line 33. But with a little side trip through the pede­strian zone, one can also get to the sub­ur­ban train sta­tion by foot.


Since this Heidelberg hotel is loca­ted near the Fried­rich Ebert Anlage, it is quite easy to reach it by car from the A5. Just take the exit at the Hei­del­ber­ger inter­ch­ange onto the B37 and follow the road to the Berg­hei­mer Straße and you are alre­ady in Heidelberg’s Old Town. The B37 can be quite busy during rush hours, so if pos­si­ble you can try to avoid it. If you come by plane and rent a car, it would be the same way via the A5 from Frankfurt.

The hotel has its own par­king garage for its guests, where you can park your car for a daily fee. If you prefer to use the public par­king faci­li­ties, you will find more pos­si­bi­li­ties nearby. But you can also go on a long search in the streets of the old town and get a free par­king space with a little luck.

If you are tra­vel­ling by public trans­port, it is best to get off at Heidelberg main sta­tion and take bus number 20 to the Peters­kir­che stop or bus number 32 to Uni­ver­si­täts­platz. From there, it is only a few minu­tes’ walk to the hotel, which can even be mana­ged with huge suitcases.

The Hotel

Alt­hough this Heidelberg hotel was only opened in 2006, the first traces of the house date back to the begin­ning of the 13th cen­tury. Since 1700 the history of the house and the pre­vious owners is docu­men­ted. From a sta­tion of the post office in the 18th cen­tury to the occu­pa­tion of the Ame­ri­cans from 1945 to 1955, this house has alre­ady expe­ri­en­ced a lot.

In this 4-star hotel, the phi­lo­so­phy ” qua­lity is a duty, ser­vice is the free­style” rules. It wants to reflect the charms of Heidelberg and offer its guests a space for their ideas. The his­to­ric outer front of the bou­tique-design hotel fits in per­fectly with the charm of the Old Town, while the glass part of the facade stands out artis­ti­cally from the surroundings.

The hotel recep­tion is open during the week from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. and at weekends from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. The ear­liest pos­si­ble check-in is at 2 pm and the latest check-out is pos­si­ble until 11 am.

For our dear animal com­pa­n­ions there is a daily fee at the ArtHotel.

By sub­scrib­ing to a news­let­ter, you can always stay up to date and, for exam­ple, become aware of offers early on. In addi­tion to offers such as a winter weekend or 2 nights at the Heidelberg Castle Light­ing there are also vou­ch­ers for the restau­rant or over­night stays for sale.

ArtHotel Heidelberg Logo

Equip­ment and services

The break­fast table is set from 6:30 to 10:30 a.m. and is pre­pared for the guests in form of a buffet. If you did not book break­fast, you can have break­fast at the hotel for a few euros. Child­ren pay less, of course.

There is no shortage of con­fe­rence rooms at the hotel. With a total of six con­fe­rence rooms, the Art­Ho­tel offers a large sel­ec­tion. Many of these rooms can also be booked in com­bi­na­tion, so that really every guest gets a seat and nobody has to stand for the whole time. The rooms are equip­ped with beau­tiful oak par­quet flo­o­ring, air-con­di­tio­ned and have net­work cabling and Wi-Fi access in all areas. The room “Atrium 3” even has its own elec­tric screen, which is per­fect for show­ing for exam­ple a Power­Point or slide­show. The indi­vi­dual rooms vary in size and can accom­mo­date up to 220 guests. With the right tech­no­logy and pre­sen­ta­tion, not­hing should stand in the way of a con­fe­rence here.

If you reach Heidelberg before the check-in times, you can also leave your lug­gage at the hotel so that you can set off and explore Heidelberg imme­dia­tely after your arri­val. Like­wise, after you have che­cked out of your room, you can leave your lug­gage at the hotel if you want to enjoy a last view of Heidelberg from the Castle.

If you are depen­dent on bar­rier-free access, you will unfort­u­na­tely have a rather dif­fi­cult time in this Heidelberg hotel.

If you are tra­vel­ling with child­ren, the hotel will pro­vide extra beds or baby cribs for a few euros, alt­hough there is only one baby crib available. That means, whoe­ver comes first, grinds first. Howe­ver, child­ren are also allo­wed to sleep in their par­ents’ bed until they are six years old.

Wed­ding at the ArtHotel

If the plan for your own wed­ding is alre­ady in place, but the loca­tion is still miss­ing, you might find your dream loca­tion in the Art­Ho­tel. But if you are just start­ing to plan your wed­ding, you may even find the wed­ding plan­ner here in addi­tion to the loca­tion. The Art­Ho­tel offers the pos­si­bi­lity to make the wed­ding day unfor­gettable through its own cont­act person in the hotel. Accor­ding to their motto “Qua­lity is a duty, ser­vice is the free­style”, the hotel can adjust indi­vi­du­ally to the wed­ding couple through its own cont­act person.

Whe­ther an ape­ri­tif on the roof garden, coffee and cake in the Romer Restau­rant or in the Romers Hof, the hotel offers a variety of rooms for the wed­ding guests. You will also be assis­ted by an advi­sor of the hotel in the choice of food and you and your part­ner can choose bet­ween menus and buf­fets. The hotel will also follow your own food wishes.

The rooms

With 24 double or single rooms, this Heidelberg hotel is pro­ba­bly not one of the big hotels and is the­r­e­fore a little more fami­liar. Some of these rooms are also sui­ta­ble as 3- or 4-bed rooms.

All rooms have access to free WLAN, air con­di­tio­ning, an LED TV with DVD player, a desk, addi­tio­nal sea­ting, a tele­phone, a safe and a bath­room with a shower and a bath­tub. All rooms have a floor of beau­tiful oak par­quet and are acces­si­ble by lift.

Despite the rela­tively small number of rooms, the Art­Ho­tel has three room cate­go­ries bes­i­des the Erker­zim­mer. The rooms are all fur­nis­hed in a modern way and do jus­tice to the style of the hotel.

The Erker­zim­mer is the lar­gest room of the hotel and is kept in loft style. It even has its own sea­ting area next to the various living areas. So you can make yours­elf really com­for­ta­ble there.

All rooms in the Art­Ho­tel are also allergy-friendly.


In addi­tion to its own restau­rant, this Heidelberg hotel also offers its own lounge, roof garden, vaul­ted cellar and cour­ty­ard for gas­tro­no­mic use.

Espe­ci­ally the large roof garden and the vaul­ted cellar are very sui­ta­ble for events such as a wed­ding in summer on the roof of the Art Hotel.

In the Restau­rant Romer all dishes of the day are served. In the à la carte restau­rant you can choose bet­ween culinary, sea­so­nal, regio­nal and espe­ci­ally fresh food.

If you are so tired after your sight­see­ing tour and need a coffee, you can get one in the Romer Lounge of the hotel. Even night owls, who want a cock­tail after dinner or before a party, will find what they are loo­king for here.

In the summer time, the hotel opens the Romers Hof. There, one can com­for­ta­bly eat, drink and enjoy a hop­efully beau­tiful summer day under the open sky and bet­ween the half-tim­be­red houses and the glass facade.

Romer Restaurant
Gate to the Reception


The Heidelberg Art­Ho­tel con­vin­ces above all through its loca­tion and the com­bi­na­tion of the design of modern glass facade and the his­to­ri­cal old building.

Prices, Boo­king & Cancellation


You can book directly via the hotel’s homepage.

The prices start at about 109€, but can be higher or lower depen­ding on the season.

When boo­king, you should also con­sider taking out a travel can­cel­la­tion insu­rance. If your trip to Heidelberg does not go as plan­ned, for exam­ple due to ill­ness or a spon­ta­neous change of mind, there is no free can­cel­la­tion at this hotel.

Fur­ther impressions

Glass facade
ArtHotel Heidelberg
To the Reception
University Library Bicycle Parking
View St. Peter's Church Hotel University Library