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Kebab Heidelberg

The best kebab stores in Heidelberg

The kebab has no recipe, it just fol­lows a basic pat­tern: bread with fil­ling. Doesn’t sound that spec­ta­cu­lar at first, but exactly this impre­cis­ion is the genius behind the Kebap. Ever­yone can design it the way he wants. Whe­ther as a pita bread with sliced chi­cken, with lots of vege­ta­bles or even as a wrap with fal­a­fel, there is some­thing here for every gourmet.

Here is a list of kebab stores that you must visit:

Top 10 Kebab Stores in Heidelberg

The Döner Kebap is one of the most popular dishes in German cities like Berlin. Kebab: a name that people know unites masses for years with its good spices and side dishes

What should I pay atten­tion to when orde­ring a kebab in Heidelberg?

If you are not in the area nearby, make sure to check the ope­ning hours of your sel­ec­ted kebab store – espe­ci­ally when boo­king via an out­da­ted web­site, web­shop or app. Other­wise, you may not receive your deli­cious ori­en­tal kebab until the next day!

The prices of a kebab vary. Many demand a kebab price brake due to the rising prices

What is a Döner Kebap anyway?

Simi­lar to the Greek Gyros, the Kebap is roas­ted meat, in this case from a spit, served with vege­ta­bles such as let­tuce, tomato, onions, etc. in a pita bread. The com­po­si­tion is left to ones­elf, so that ever­yone can com­pose his own dish. The Pan­do­ras kebab box opens up end­less pos­si­bi­li­ties and varia­ti­ons. You just eat this by hand, but you should hope that this is not too hot.

The most common forms of kebab are the one in pita bread, the Yufka (simi­lar to a wrap or Dürüm) or even the fancy kebab box. Whe­ther you want your gril­led meat in a card­board box or just with salad and the good sauce of yogurt and spices. Even the kebab plate is being sold ever­y­where in Ger­many because of its simple take-away fri­endly appeal. It is what it is, a kebab, broken down into its com­pon­ents, served on a plate.

A common exam­ple would be a kebab in bread from the oven with let­tuce, tomato, onion and sauce. Unlike the equally popu­lar pizza, kebab is more com­pact and easy to trans­port, but its size non­t­hel­ess stills any hunger.

Good price, price is good. The kebab is tasty. Yummy

Where does the kebab come from?

The kebab as such is an old tra­di­tio­nal dish from Tur­kish cui­sine. For cen­tu­ries, dia­ries of tra­ve­lers from all over the world and from Turkey descri­bed the deli­cacy from the land of three seas. Some­thing seems to be on those nevert­hel­ess, because todays kebab is more popu­lar than ever. Howe­ver, the kebab plate or the kebab box were inven­ted much much later.

Trans­la­ted as “spin­ning meat,” kebabs have been roas­ted on a spit and served as kebabs in pita bread with vege­ta­bles for cen­tu­ries. This seems to be tra­di­tion, and what a tra­di­tion it is. Kebabs as such have been served before, but the form we know today only since the late 1800s. Truly a fabu­lous culinary invention.

The kebab is and remains unbeaten. For years, it has been an integral part of the culinary scene in various countries.

(Don’t) Believe The Hype! – The kebab in Germany

Europe loves flat­bread with kebab meat from the spit. In no German city can you escape the juicy slices of meat on oven-fresh flat­bread. In Berlin alone, you can find one kebab shop after ano­ther. Ger­many is in a kebab boom! For over 50 years, more and more kebab shops have been sprou­ting up on the tarmac of German cities, inclu­ding Heidelberg. It’s hard to ima­gine Germany’s big cities in par­ti­cu­lar wit­hout the flas­hing “Döner Imbiss” sign. Let someone find the best one…

After so many years, there are alre­ady the most unu­sual ver­si­ons of doner kebab. From the vegan kebab, the kebab plate, the fal­a­fe­ly­ufka to varia­ti­ons on kebab meat from lamb, beef or veal, the choice of salad alone from ice­berg to rocket, there is also a wide range of side dishes. It is simply one of the most popu­lar dishes in Ger­many. Heidelberg is no dif­fe­rent, as there are over 5 kebab pro­du­cers on Bis­marck­platz alone. Quick to prepare, take away and easy to use, you and your sto­mach will be deligh­ted. It’ll make you want a good old Dürüm kebab!

Fancy vegan dishes such as fal­a­fel wraps or bowls? Then take a look here.

The kebab store is a great place to rest after a night-out in the city