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Euro­päi­scher Hof Heidelberg

All detailsPrices / Booking

the short version


  • a lot of luxury and well­ness in their own spa
  • Sights are usually easy to reach
  • Diver­sity in gastronomy
  • own par­king garage directly next to the hotel
  • free can­cel­la­tion up to 48 hours before arrival


  • lots of traf­fic right next to the hotel
  • not sui­ta­ble if you are loo­king for a small family hotel
  • a rela­tively long walk to the castle


The Euro­päi­sche Hof is loca­ted on the edge of Heidelberg’s Old Town. Nevert­hel­ess, you can reach Heidelberg’s popu­lar pede­strian zone, the Haupt­straße, in a few minu­tes foot­path. If you would like to do a slightly larger sight­see­ing tour, the most popu­lar places of Heidelberg can all be rea­ched by foot from this hotel. From the Church of the Holy Spirit and the market place, to the Old Bridge and the beau­tiful Heidelberg Castle. If you are fit enough to walk, you can cross all this off your to-do list in one day. If the way to the castle is a little too long for you, you can take the moun­tain rail­way near the Korn­markt, which also goes fur­ther to Königs­stuhl.

The volume of the road should not be a pro­blem inside the hotel. By tur­ning into the fore­court, the hotel is arran­ged like an own little bay around the court. Thus, there are barely any win­dows that point straight to the street. Alre­ady in the lobby, despite the glass doors, one barely hears any­thing of the hustle and bustle that takes place in front of the entrance.

As nice as the hotel may be, the view to the big street and also to the huge crossing a few metres fur­ther is not so nice to look at. But of course, one does not have to drive fore­ver through small alley­ways in order to get quickly out of Heidelberg if one wants to.

The next bus stops are in the imme­diate sur­roun­ding of the hotel. By lea­ving the hotel and wal­king to the left, a few steps away there is the bus stop Fried­rich-Ebert-Platz. Due to the dif­fe­rent bus lines, the main sta­tion can be easily rea­ched from there with for exam­ple line 20. For a little more choice there is the sta­tion Bis­marck­platz with many bus lines and tram lines that meet there. One gets to the sta­tion by wal­king to the right start­ing from the hotel and wal­king down Sofi­en­straße to the main street. Most of the times, there are many people at the Bis­marck­platz, thus it cannot be missed.


The Euro­päi­scher Hof is loca­ted next to the busy Fried­rich Ebert Anlage street, which is quite noisy. The advan­tage is that this Heidelberg hotel is very easy to reach by car. Right beside the hotel ent­rance there is the ent­rance to the par­king garage of the hotel, where one can leave the car for 23€ for the whole day. And even if it is only for a few hours, the prices bet­ween 50 cents and 2 euros per hour are very afforda­ble. If you own an elec­tric car, there are also three par­king spaces with char­ging sta­ti­ons for your car.

If you come to Heidelberg by car, take the exit from the A5 onto the B37 at the Hei­del­ber­ger inter­ch­ange. This is the fas­test way to get to the Old Town. If you come by plane and rent a car, this would also be the same way via the A5 from Frankfurt.

If you are tra­vel­ling by public trans­port, it is best to get off at Heidelberg main sta­tion and take bus number 20 to the Gais­berg­straße or Fried­rich Ebert Anlage stop, or bus number 34 to Bis­marck­platz. From there, it is only a few minu­tes walk to the hotel, which can even be mas­te­red with huge suitcases.

Friedrich Ebert Anlage
Friedrich Ebert Anlage

The Hotel

The 5-star Grand Hotel Euro­päi­scher Hof Heidelberg has now been in the centre of Heidelberg for 155 years. Since 1906 it has been owned by the von Kret­sch­mann family and is now in its 4th gene­ra­tion. The­r­e­fore it is one of a few 5 star city hotels which are pri­va­tely run. The tra­di­tion of com­bi­ning modern tech­no­logy and ele­gant archi­tec­ture, as well as its phi­lo­so­phy “We love what we do”, has truly sett­led down in the walls of the hotel throug­hout the years.

The 165 mul­ti­l­in­gual employees, inclu­ding 40 trai­nees, ensure the best pos­si­ble stay. So if you prefer a small hotel with few employees, you’re in the wrong place. This does not mean that one cannot feel safe in the big halls of the hotel. In fact, one is alre­ady wel­co­med in an open hear­ted way at the reception.

If you are visi­ting Heidelberg and want to stay in rooms where cele­bri­ties such as David Has­sel­hoff, Ed Sheeran, Jay-Z and Nena have stayed along­side many other people from history, poli­tics, etc., then you have come to the very right place.

Europäischer Hof Patio
The recep­tion of the Heidelberg hotel is open around the clock. The ear­liest check-in is pos­si­ble from 3 pm and the latest check-out time is 12 noon. Howe­ver, if you arrive a little ear­lier or want to leave later, an early check-in or late check-out is also pos­si­ble for a small fee. If you can’t wait and want to visit Heidelberg before you check in, your lug­gage will be safely stored at the hotel. The same applies for the time after the check-out.

Our bel­oved animal com­pa­n­ions are as wel­co­med in this hotel as the two-legged guests.

A news­let­ter will keep you up to date about cur­rent events. If an event cat­ches your eye or if you want to give away a dinner or an over­night stay, there is the pos­si­bi­lity to buy vou­ch­ers and give them to your loved ones.


Equip­ment and services

You would like to relax com­ple­tely for a day bes­i­des all the sight­see­ing? Then you have come to the right place. The Euro­päi­scher Hof offers bes­i­des its own small swim­ming pool also mas­sa­ges, well­ness and beauty, a sauna and a sun ter­race. Even if some of the offers still require some money, the majo­rity is free of charge. This means: pure rela­xa­tion for all senses.

Once the power tank is full again, you can, if you wish, work off your energy in the gym. If this is not quite so easy for you, you can book your per­so­nal trai­ner through this Heidelberg hotel, who will help you to defeat your inner laziness.

Whe­ther with or wit­hout child­ren, you can relax in the spa at any age. Minors over 16 may also use the spa area of the hotel wit­hout accompaniment.
Howe­ver, if you have youn­ger child­ren who cannot be alone yet and you still want to enjoy the time in the spa alone, the Euro­päi­sche Hof offers a baby­sit­ting service.

If there is some work to be done bes­i­des the fun and rela­xa­tion, 2 cabins at the recep­tion offer a com­pu­ter and prin­ter for free use.

If you travel to Heidelberg by plane, you can book an air­port trans­fer directly through the hotel from about 150€.
If you would like to make a larger excur­sion out­side the centre, you can also book a limou­sine ser­vice with your own chauf­feur. If your requi­re­ments are not that high and you prefer to explore Heidelberg by bike, the hotel will be happy to orga­nise this for you from a rental com­pany so that you can start cycling as soon as possible.

Events and conferences

If you are plan­ning a major event, con­fe­rence or mee­ting, the Euro­päi­sche Hof offers you six rooms for this pur­pose. The flat rates range from 76€ per day (or 58€ for half a day) to 90€ per day. The lar­gest room can accom­mo­date up to 160 people. In case of indi­vi­dual wishes, the hotel will change the offer accor­ding to your budget and requi­re­ments. So not­hing can get in the way of the per­fect con­fe­rence or event.

The rooms

In a large hotel like this one in Heidelberg, there is of course a large sel­ec­tion of rooms. Bes­i­des the normal double and single rooms, there are some Junior and Exe­cu­tive Suites, as well as Ser­viced Apart­ments, where you can also spend a longer period of time in Heidelberg. And what should not be missed, of course, is a huge pent­house suite with ever­y­thing you need.

All of these rooms have indi­vi­du­ally adjus­ta­ble air con­di­tio­ning, a tele­vi­sion with HD-TV and inter­na­tio­nal pro­grams, free Wifi, a mini-bar, a hair dryer, a door viewer for spying, a tele­phone, a desk and other sea­ting fur­ni­ture. In addi­tion, bath­ro­bes, slip­pers and cos­me­tic pro­ducts are available in the rooms, so that you can enjoy a little well­ness plea­sure right in your room. All rooms are of course acces­si­ble via the elevator.

If you need a bar­rier-free room, just let the hotel know and they will pro­vide you with one.

The suites are all divi­ded into at least 2 living areas. In the Pent­house Suite, there is, in addi­tion to all the luxury, a pri­vate ter­race and a view of the beau­tiful Heidelberg Castle.

If you book a room in the hotel and need a baby crib or an extra bed for your kids, you can get an extra bed for a small change and the baby crib free of charge to your room.
If you are unhappy or change your mind, you can also rebook your room.


The Euro­päi­sche Hof offers its own small sel­ec­tion of bars and restaurants.
In the Kur­fürs­ten­stube ever­y­thing revol­ves around fine dining and clas­sic French cui­sine. Whe­ther 3, 4, 5 cour­ses or à la carte, the restau­rant of this Heidelberg hotel offers all of it. The cherry on top of the cream puff then forms the wine accom­p­animent with the advice of a sommelier.

In summer, the Som­mer­re­stau­rant is a great place to enjoy regio­nal and market-fresh dishes. If you like fish, it is served here every day. And if you are an ice cream lover, you are pro­ba­bly also on cloud nine with their home­made ice cream.

In the Europa Bar and the Smo­kers Lounge, you can end the day with a drink or a cigar. For lovers of exclu­sive cigars, a con­cierge even offers a sel­ec­tion of tob­ac­cos that can be enjoyed around the clock in the lounge.

If you as a guest were so con­vin­ced of the good food and ser­vice of this hotel, it gives you the oppor­tu­nity to bring it all to you. Because the hotel even has its own cate­ring ser­vice for various events.

As this of course still does not offer enough variety, the hotel holds spe­cia­lity weeks and days with dif­fe­rent offers. On Valentine’s Day, for exam­ple, there was a 4-course menu for 89€ per person with the motto “All you need is love”, so the day of love has pro­ba­bly been made even more beau­tiful by the food.


As my mother always says: break­fast is the most important meal of the day. This takes place in the Euro­päi­sche Hof on week­days from 6:30 to 11 a.m., and on Sun­days from 6:30 to 11:30 a.m. So you can even get up at 10 a.m. and still have an exten­sive breakfast.

The break­fast buffet offers a choice of lac­tose-free, gluten-free, halal or kosher food on request. If you would like to have break­fast at the hotel but have not booked it, break­fast will cost you a few extra euros.
If you as an indi­vi­dual have an appoint­ment with a hotel guest for break­fast, you pay the regu­lar price.


The Euro­päi­sche Hof is con­vin­cing in all aspects. If I could, I would pro­ba­bly move in there and never leave it again. After all, it usually doesn’t take much more than food, well­ness and a gym.

Prices, Boo­king & Cancellation


You can book easily on the home­page of the Euro­päi­sche Hof. The prices start at about 189€ per night, but can of course vary accor­ding to the dif­fe­rent seasons.
If you are unable to travel for any reason, you can cancel your boo­king free of charge up to 48 hours before your plan­ned arri­val. If the hotel is unable to rent the room for the plan­ned period, you may be char­ged 90% of the price.

Fur­ther Impressions

View from the street
Hotel Europa