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The natur­opath for psy­cho­the­rapy, psy­cho­the­ra­pist (HP) or also “small natur­opath”, usually does not go through a study and can be acqui­red by a fur­ther edu­ca­tion. Which methods the the­ra­pist uses is at his dis­cre­tion and does not have to be sci­en­ti­fi­cally reco­gni­zed or sup­ported by evi­dence. This does not mean, howe­ver, that the metho­do­logy of the psy­cho­the­ra­pist after the alter­na­tive medi­cal tre­at­ment is less hel­pful! As with all the­rapy methods, the sup­ported person must know for hims­elf which method is the best for him.

The path of the psy­cho­the­ra­pist (HP)

Methods and basics of the natur­opath for psychotherapy



In con­trast to psy­cho­lo­gi­cal psy­cho­the­ra­pists and spe­cia­lists in psych­ia­try and psy­cho­the­rapy, psy­cho­the­ra­pists do not require a license under the German Heil­prak­ti­ker Act. They acquire per­mis­sion to prac­tice medi­cine pro­fes­sio­nally wit­hout a medi­cal cer­ti­fi­cate. Thus, natur­opaths for psy­cho­the­rapy have free­dom of the­rapy. They are allo­wed to prac­tice all the­rapy methods that they have “lear­ned in a qua­li­fied manner”.


Due to the free­dom of the­rapy, psy­cho­the­ra­pists (HP) are allo­wed to use all forms of the­rapy that they have lear­ned on a sound basis. Thus, the spec­trum of pos­si­bi­li­ties ranges from talk the­rapy to beha­vi­oral the­rapy to hyp­no­the­rapy. Due to the fle­xi­bi­lity in their work, they often choose the methods that have proven to be either most suc­cessful or best suited to the client.

As with all heal­ing pro­fes­si­ons, it is advan­ta­ge­ous to test seve­ral before forming an over­all judgment. Due to the short dura­tion of trai­ning and the wide range of tre­at­ment opti­ons of the psy­cho­the­ra­pist (HP), there is a great varia­bi­lity of qua­lity espe­ci­ally here.

Natur­opaths for psy­cho­the­rapy in Heidelberg

Thekla-Sophia Auten­rieth

Mühl­damm 7-9
69118 Heidelberg

Sandra Korff

Lili­en­strasse 45
68535 Heidelberg

Regina Brandt

Berg­hei­mer Str. 95
69115 Heidelberg

Marita Frank

Berg­str. 1
69120 Heidelberg

Katja Scholz-Pfen­­nig

Brü­cken­kopf­str. 17
69120 Heidelberg

Jonny Stad­ler

Klein­ge­mün­der Str. 11
69118 Heidelberg

Gabriela Fischer-Rosen­­feld

Rhein­str. 9
69126 Heidelberg

Dörte Pom­me­rien

Brü­cken­str. 29
69120 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Martin Spiegler

Schrö­der­str. 39
69120 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Claus Haupt

Haupt­str. 33
69117 Heidelberg

Chat­anya Petra Schaub

Berg­hei­mer Str. 147
69115 Heidelberg

Caro­line Pitz

Römer­strasse 135
69126 Heidelberg

Bea­trix Kull

Schrö­der­str. 8
69120 Heidelberg

Ange­lika Glöckner

Klein­ge­mün­der Str. 19/3
69118 Heidelberg

Angela Stad­ler

Klein­ge­mün­der Str. 11
69118 Heidelberg

Alex­an­dra Stock

Im Busch­ge­wann 66
69123 Heidelberg