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Gaming & E-Sports Heidelberg

The event took place from Octo­ber 21 to 30, 2022 in the his­to­ric set­ting of Heidelberg Castle, which per­fectly matched the medieval set­ting of the games and crea­ted a unique atmo­sphere. more about Wololo

What is e-sports?

E-sports, also known as elec­tro­nic sports, is a form of orga­ni­zed com­pe­ti­tion in which play­ers com­pete against each other in various video games. Simi­lar to tra­di­tio­nal sports, there are also pro­fes­sio­nal play­ers, teams and tour­na­ments in e-sports. 

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Uni­ma­gi­nable wit­hout it

Start­ing with simple games like PONG, video games have become an inte­gral part of the enter­tain­ment indus­try. The market for games is con­stantly gro­wing, driven by inno­va­tions in tech­no­logy, gra­phics and game­play. The influence of games extends beyond pure enter­tain­ment and into areas such as edu­ca­tion and healthcare.

Access to Heidelberg University in Germany

Art and games

Art is also fin­ding its way into the world of games. Games are incre­asingly being reco­gni­zed as an artis­tic medium that offers com­plex sto­ries, impres­sive gra­phics and emo­tio­nal expe­ri­en­ces. These artis­tic ele­ments con­tri­bute to video games being per­cei­ved not only as enter­tain­ment, but also as an art form.

Posi­tive aspects of video games

Video games also have a posi­tive impact on the lives of many people. Not only do they pro­vide enter­tain­ment, but they can also help to streng­then social bonds, improve cogni­tive skills and reduce stress. Through tar­ge­ted use, video games can even be used in edu­ca­tion and health­care to sup­port lear­ning and the­rapy. An important aspect here are so-called “serious games”, i.e. games that have a serious pur­pose beyond their enter­tain­ment value, such as the simu­la­tion of medi­cal pro­ce­du­res for edu­ca­tio­nal pur­po­ses or the sup­port of the­ra­pies for cer­tain illnesses.

Gaming and ESports Heidelberg

In Heidelberg, a city with a rich history and a strong con­nec­tion to sci­ence and tech­no­logy as well as being home to the renow­ned Uni­ver­sity of Heidelberg, young people are also show­ing a keen inte­rest in the up-and-coming games indus­try. The emer­gence of gaming events and fairs in Ger­many has helped to fur­ther increase inte­rest in games and pro­mote the diver­sity of gaming cul­ture. These events pro­vide a plat­form for gamers, deve­lo­pers and artists to exch­ange ideas and dis­co­ver new trends in the industry.

Games­Hub Heidelberg

Games­Hub Heidelberg is a com­pe­tence center from Baden-Würt­tem­berg that spe­cia­li­zes in the deve­lo­p­ment of game appli­ca­ti­ons in the fields of health and life sciences.

Members of the event teams.

Health Life Science

An important focus of the GamesHub’s work is the deve­lo­p­ment of game appli­ca­ti­ons for the­ra­peu­tic, pre­ven­tive and edu­ca­tio­nal pur­po­ses in the field of Health Life Sci­ence. The Games­Hub Heidelberg acts as an inter­face bet­ween the gaming indus­try and the health­care sector and helps to create syn­er­gies bet­ween the two areas. Through the deve­lo­p­ment of inno­va­tive game appli­ca­ti­ons, new oppor­tu­ni­ties for health pro­mo­tion, pre­ven­tion and the­rapy are crea­ted and at the same time the poten­tial of video games as a tool for posi­tively chan­ging life­style habits and health beha­vior is exploited.

Information about esports Heidelberg in Germany.


One exam­ple of a Games­Hub Heidelberg initia­tive is the col­la­bo­ra­tion with Heidelberg Uni­ver­sity Hos­pi­tal, Depart­ment of Den­ti­stry, to deve­lop a game appli­ca­tion to pro­mote oral hygiene and edu­cate about peri­odon­ti­tis. In this pro­ject, games deve­lo­pers, den­tists and health experts are working tog­e­ther to deve­lop a mobile game that moti­va­tes adult pati­ents to main­tain their daily oral hygiene rou­ti­nes and at the same time imparts know­ledge about periodontitis.

E-sports events in Heidelberg

Hei­del­ber­ger E-Sport Tage



Diese Ver­an­stal­tung wurde orga­ni­siert
vom Jugend­ge­mein­de­rat Heidelberg in Zusam­men­ar­beit mit dem Stadt­ju­gend­ring Heidelberg und eSport Rhein-Neckar, sind zu einem jähr­li­chen High­light in der Gaming-Szene der Stadt gewor­den. Dieses span­nen­des Event findet unter der Lei­tung und Unter­stüt­zung des Ober­bür­ger­meis­ters Prof. Dr. Eckart Würz­ner statt.

Das drei­tä­gige Event bietet Schü­lern wei­ter­füh­ren­der Schu­len die Mög­lich­keit, in Schul-Teams gegen­ein­an­der anzu­tre­ten und ihre Fähig­kei­ten in ver­schie­de­nen Video­spie­len unter Beweis zu stel­len. Jeden Tag wird ein ande­res Video­spiel gespielt und es gibt einen Preis zu gewinnen.

Die ersten E-sport Tage fanden vom 03.November bis 05.November 2021 statt. Gespielt wurden die Spiele:
League of Legends, Coun­terStrike und FIFA22.
Man konnte das Event eben­falls von Zuhause aus über Twitch verfolgen.

MFG Baden-Württemberg is a partner network of the state of Baden-Württemberg

Thanks to its great popu­la­rity, the event was repea­ted in sub­se­quent years. This event not only pro­mo­tes enthu­si­asm for gaming and e-sports, but also fos­ters cohe­sion within the stu­dent body and the inte­gra­tion of digi­tal media into edu­ca­tion and lei­sure acti­vi­ties at a time when ever­yone has access to digi­tal media.

Eckart Würzner and his team from the Heidelberg region

Red Bull Wololo Heidelberg

The Red Bull Wololo is not just an e-sports tour­na­ment, but also a tri­bute to the popu­lar real-time stra­tegy game series Age of Empires, which cele­bra­ted its 25th anni­ver­sary with this event, making it the lar­gest Age of Empires tour­na­ment to date. The event took place from Octo­ber 21 to 30, 2022 in the his­to­ric set­ting of Heidelberg Castle, which per­fectly matched the medieval set­ting of the games and crea­ted a unique atmosphere.

Pro­fes­sio­nal play­ers from all over the world tra­ve­led to Heidelberg to take part in this e-sports event. They batt­led in the various parts of the Age of Empires series – from Age of Empires I: The Rise of Rome to Age of Empires II and the latest off­shoot, Age of Empires IV. You could expe­ri­ence the action on site or stream it from home. On the final day, the event rea­ched its climax when the fina­lists met in the throne room of the castle.

Out­door games

The Heidelberg sca­ven­ger hunt

In addi­tion to e-sports or play­ing on con­so­les, there is ano­ther inte­res­t­ing way to enjoy games outdoors.

City & Quest

One exam­ple of this is the city puzzle game “City & Quest”. In this game, a cell phone or tablet is used as a navi­ga­tor and for ente­ring puzzle solu­ti­ons. The equip­ment needed to solve the exci­ting and tricky puz­zles is pro­vi­ded. A group con­sists of 2 to 6 people. The tour starts in Heidelberg’s Old Town and requi­res the coope­ra­tion and com­bi­na­tion skills of all par­ti­ci­pants. After the appro­xi­m­ately 3-kilo­me­ter route with 11 sta­ti­ons, a 3-course meal awaits you at the end of the adven­ture in a restau­rant in the Old Town.

Trai­ning and stu­dy­ing Game Design Heidelberg

SRH Hoch­schule Heidelberg is a renow­ned edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­tion that offers degree pro­grams and trai­ning in the field of game deve­lo­p­ment and 3D. These are aimed at pro­s­pec­tive pro­fes­sio­nals who want to turn their pas­sion for games and digi­tal art into a pro­fes­sio­nal career

Stu­dies in Heidelberg

Stu­dents have the oppor­tu­nity to deepen their know­ledge and skills in various cour­ses such as Game Design, Game Pro­gramming or Digi­tal Arts. They not only learn about the tech­ni­cal aspects of game deve­lo­p­ment, but also the crea­tive and con­cep­tual pro­ces­ses behind the crea­tion of video games.

Trai­ning in Heidelberg

In addi­tion, SRH Heidelberg also offers trai­ning cour­ses that are spe­ci­fi­cally tail­o­red to the needs of the video games indus­try. These cour­ses impart prac­tice-ori­en­ted skills and know­ledge through pro­jects and pro­ject coor­di­na­tion, enab­ling gra­dua­tes to enter the world of work directly and work on real projects.

Career oppor­tu­ni­ties

Stu­dy­ing or trai­ning at SRH Heidelberg opens up a wide range of career pro­s­pects for gra­dua­tes in the video games indus­try and beyond. In addi­tion to posi­ti­ons in game deve­lo­p­ment, they can also find work in rela­ted areas such as web deve­lo­p­ment, IT, 3D mode­ling and ani­ma­tion. The skills and exper­tise lear­ned are not limi­ted to the games indus­try, but also offer oppor­tu­ni­ties to gain a foot­hold in other digi­tal media indus­tries and crea­tive sectors.