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Vegan restau­rants in Heidelberg



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Vegan in Heidelberg?!

Nowa­days, it is incre­asingly important for many people to live healthy and balan­ced. And of course, nut­ri­tion plays a decisive role here.

Whe­ther you have a vege­ta­rian or com­ple­tely vegan diet or simply fancy a vegan day – in Heidelberg, thanks to num­e­rous restau­rants with vegan or vege­ta­rian offe­rings, your needs will be met exactly! This article pro­vi­des you with the ten best vegan and vege­ta­rian restau­rants in Heidelberg.

Not vegan and got lost here on this page? We also have many other guides that you can find. here.

Healthy food on table with vegetables

Top 10 restau­rants with vegan dishes in Heidelberg

Urban Kit­chen

Post­straße 36/5
69115 Heidelberg
06221 87338200

Unter Freun­den

März­gasse 2
69117 Heidelberg
06221 3615371

Red – die grüne Küche

Post­straße 42
69115 Heidelberg
06221 9145206


Haupt­straße 136
69117 Heidelberg
069 460904881

Mahl­zeit Burger

Rohr­ba­cher Straße 6
69115 Heidelberg
06221 6733885

Hans im Glück – Westarkaden

Gali­lei­straße 18
69115 Heidelberg
06221 4357444

Hans im Glück – Heiliggeistkirche

Haupt­straße 187
69117 Heidelberg
06221 6549065

Earth Bowls

Fischer­gasse 1
69117 Heidelberg
0162 9853341


Post­straße 4
69115 Heidelberg
06221 7150551


Rohr­ba­cher Straße 2
69115 Heidelberg
0176 22068077

Cafè Extra­blatt

Haupt­straße 53
69117 Heidelberg
06221 8935340

Infor­ma­tion on vegan diet

Vegan diet – What does it mean?

Vega­nism means a spe­cial kind of diet and life­style. People who have a vegan diet do not eat any pro­ducts that come from ani­mals. Unlike a vege­ta­rian diet, which only avoids meat and fish, being vegan means that, for exam­ple, no dairy pro­ducts, eggs or honey are eaten either.

Different vegetables

Vegan dishes – More than just vegetables!

To think that being vegan means eating only vege­ta­bles is long outdated.

Mean­while, vegan alter­na­ti­ves in the food indus­try have increased very stron­gly. Meat alter­na­ti­ves, for exam­ple vegan meat based on soy, wheat or peas, are beco­ming more and more pre­sent in supermarkets.

And also in restau­rants there is more and more choice and variety of vegan dishes.

Bene­fits of vegan or vege­ta­rian diet – A heart for animals?

Whe­ther vege­ta­rian or per­haps vegan – with both types of nut­ri­tion, animal wel­fare is pro­mo­ted and the cli­mate is protected.

In addi­tion, avo­i­ding animal pro­ducts also has health bene­fits such as lower blood pres­sure and a lower risk of heart disease.

Recom­men­ded restau­rants with vegan dishes

Red - Restaurant in Heidelberg from the outside

red – die grüne Küche

Deli­cious, fresh, healthy and always fancy. These goals are to be achie­ved with the diverse range of vege­ta­rian and vegan deli­ca­cies, which are pre­pared from ingre­di­ents from con­trol­led orga­nic cultivation.

At the heart of the restau­rant is the “Set Table”: a beau­tifully arran­ged buffet with both hot and cold dishes. Do you fancy a crisp salad, spicy vege­ta­bles or a baked treat? You can com­pose your own meal in red accor­ding to your own pre­fe­ren­ces and tastes.

For those inte­res­ted in coo­king, the “Hot Pan” is offe­red every day – A new dish every day and you can watch it being prepared!

MoschMosch - Japanese restaurant in Heidelberg from the outside

​Mosch­Mosch – A por­tion of smile

Mosch­Mosch reminds of a Japa­nese noodle bar – in the middle of the main street in Heidelberg! The ambi­ence and the inte­rior, are a very spe­cial part in this restaurant.

Culinary Mosch­Mosch offers Japa­nese appe­ti­zers like “Eda­mame” or “Gyoza”. Here you can choose from very tra­di­tio­nal ramen soups – Japa­nese wheat nood­les in dif­fe­rent broths -, noodle dishes with vege­ta­bles and tofu, and rice bowls with vege­ta­bles. Mosch­Mosch offers many vegan or vege­ta­rian opti­ons such as tofu or meat alter­na­ti­ves made from soy, legu­mes or pea protein.

Restaurant Among Friends from the outside in the dark with lights

Unter Freun­den

Sit­ting by the window with a freshly baked wood-fired pizza in the cozy März­gasse in the middle of Heidelberg’s old town? If this thought appeals to you, then stop by Unter Freun­den, the small but fine Ita­lian restaurant.

Here you can find a sel­ec­ted range of deli­cious vegan and vege­ta­rian pizzas. The home­made juices make for an all-around per­fect meal!

Earth Bowls

A meal like a mini-vaca­tion in a bowl at a tro­pi­cal restau­rant in the middle of the old city – that’s Earth Bowls!

Num­e­rous crea­tive bowls, whe­ther sweet or salty and of course with many vegan or vege­ta­rian opti­ons, pro­vide an extra­or­di­nary taste expe­ri­ence. Topped with a home­made juice or smoothie, the vaca­tion fee­ling is guaranteed.

Bowl with vegetables
Schild mit Infos zu Restaurant

Hans im Glück

Does the thought of a fresh burger with “gold fries” give you imme­diate fee­lings of hap­pi­ness? Then Hans im Glück is the right place for you.

The restau­rant stands out espe­ci­ally for its unique design, because there are real birch trunks throug­hout the restau­rant! This con­tri­bu­tes to the rela­xed and posi­tive atmo­sphere at Hans im Glück.

Hans im Glück offers a variety of bur­gers, all of which you can also cus­to­mize with dif­fe­rent top­pings or put tog­e­ther com­ple­tely yours­elf. Here again, there is also the option to choose bet­ween seve­ral meat alter­na­ti­ves such as dif­fe­rent vege­ta­ble pat­ties or vegan chi­cken alternatives.

Restaurant from outside
Burgers and fries

In addi­tion to the deli­cious bur­gers, the other treats on the menu should not be for­got­ten. Crisp fresh salads with spe­cial top­pings like beet or avo­cado and bowls with fal­a­fel and ori­en­tal spices – there’s some­thing for everyone!

You can find Hans im Glück in the heart of Heidelberg on the main street near many sights or you can make a visit to the Bahnstadt.

Drink with ice cubes in restaurant
Restaurant with chairs and tables from outside


“Eat com­p­leat, eat better!” Com­p­leat wants to pro­vide ever­yone with a simple, healthy and goal-ori­en­ted diet, as tasty and con­ve­ni­ent as pos­si­ble. At Com­p­leat you will find fit­ness dishes with the best nut­ri­tio­nal values that taste great at the same time.

Each bowl can be chan­ged indi­vi­du­ally by adding dif­fe­rent sauces or you can create the desi­red bowl com­ple­tely yours­elf. Meat or feta, for exam­ple, can easily be repla­ced by vegan alter­na­ti­ves in the bowls.

Since the restau­rant is more take­out-ori­en­ted, the bowls are best enjoyed out­side in front of the store or on a bench by the nearby Neckar River.


Healthy, honest, hand-pre­pared food! – that’s what dean&david stands for. If you are loo­king for a fresh salad, a deli­cious bowl, a curry dish or soup, or if you prefer a sand­wich or wrap, dean&david is the best choice.

All dishes are made with high qua­lity ingre­di­ents and wit­hout flavor enhan­cers and dyes. Num­e­rous vegan or vege­ta­rian opti­ons ensure that you are sure to find some­thing sui­ta­ble here!

In addi­tion, you will find deli­cious, 100% vegan smoothies that per­fectly com­ple­ment the food.

Restaurant from the outside with signs
Counter with wraps and sandwiches

Café Extra­blatt

The restau­rant in the center of Heidelberg offers not only coffee and break­fast. Here you can find deli­cious and vegan or vege­ta­rian dishes.

Whe­ther it’s pizza buns, sweet potato fries, vege­ta­ble lasa­gna, wraps or the high­light: vegan schnit­zels that are truly deli­cious – you won’t be dis­ap­poin­ted at Café Extrablatt.

Restaurant with bistro tables and chairs outside in the dark

Urban Kit­chen

Urban Kit­chen – mul­ti­cu­linary cui­sine that is simple, ori­gi­nal and spe­cial. In the rooms of the disu­sed indoor swim­ming pool in Berg­heim you will find a wide variety of dishes – also vegan or vegetarian!

In addi­tion to vegan pizzas and bur­gers and super tasty sweet potato fries, there are also wok or Asian spe­cial­ties here.

Inside there are many, nooky sit­ting areas, so you can enjoy undis­tur­bed and secluded.

Restaurant from outside

Mahl­zeit Burger

This burger restau­rant near Bis­mark­platz is one of the best rated burger restau­rants in Heidelberg. With a choice of six vege­ta­rian and three vegan bur­gers, every person who loves bur­gers is sure to find a sui­ta­ble option.


Each person should decide for them­sel­ves which form of nut­ri­tion they can best iden­tify with. One should not feel forced to go along with nut­ri­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ments such as vega­nism if one does not want to.

Still, it can be fun and inte­res­t­ing to expand your hori­zons by trying a vegan pizza, for example.

The article hop­efully gives you a good over­view of the offers of restau­rants with vegan dishes in Heidelberg. Have fun visi­ting one of the restau­rants – we wish you a good appetite!

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