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Orth­odon­tists in Heidelberg

Job descrip­tion


Orth­odon­tics is the tre­at­ment of mal­oc­clu­si­ons of the teeth and jaw by means of braces, levers and other appli­ances. Orth­odon­tics invol­ves the dia­gno­sis, pre­ven­tion and tre­at­ment of dis­or­ders of tooth and jaw ana­tomy and their effects on masti­ca­tion, speech and appearance. Orth­odon­tic mal­oc­clu­si­ons can be con­ge­ni­tal or deve­lop during life. The most common con­ge­ni­tal mal­oc­clu­si­ons are under­de­ve­lo­ped jaw bones, crow­ded teeth (spaces bet­ween teeth), and cleft lip and palate mal­oc­clu­si­ons. Throug­hout life, mis­a­lignments of the teeth and jaws can deve­lop due to loss of teeth, poor oral hygiene, injury or tumors. Orth­odon­tic tre­at­ments include Invi­sa­lign, dental braces and headgear.

What does an orth­odon­tist do?

Orth­odon­tists are den­tists who spe­cia­lize in the dia­gno­sis and tre­at­ment of orth­odon­tic mal­oc­clu­si­ons. Orth­odon­tists examine the jaw, teeth, bite (dental health), head and neck area, and the mus­cu­lar, lympha­tic and ner­vous sys­tems of the face.

Orth­odon­tists treat adults and child­ren with orth­odon­tic mal­oc­clu­si­ons. Some adults choose orth­odon­tic tre­at­ment for aes­the­tic reasons, while others suffer from pain or limi­ted func­tion­a­lity. Most child­ren are refer­red to an orth­odon­tist by their par­ents or by a den­tist because they suffer from orth­odon­tic misalignment.

What should I look for when choo­sing my orthodontist?

To ensure that you receive the best pos­si­ble tre­at­ment, you should con­sult an orth­odon­tist who is reco­gni­zed by the natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal orth­odon­tic socie­ties. There are seve­ral orth­odon­tic prac­ti­ces in Heidelberg, such as the prac­tice for orth­odon­tics Dr. med. dent. Kris­tin Rubel which are run by experts and have exten­sive experience.