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Job descrip­tion

The psy­cho­lo­gi­cal psy­cho­the­ra­pist has, as the name sug­gests, stu­died psy­cho­logy. This is in con­trast to the psych­ia­trist and the non-medi­cal prac­ti­tio­ner, who as a rule have either com­ple­ted ano­ther course of study or fur­ther trai­ning wit­hout studying.

The path of the psychotherapist

The dif­fe­rent pro­ce­du­res of psychotherapy


When we speak of a the­ra­pist in ever­y­day life, we are gene­rally refer­ring to psy­cho­lo­gi­cal psy­cho­the­ra­pists who, after com­ple­ting a 10-semes­ter course of study in psy­cho­logy, have com­ple­ted at least three years of trai­ning to obtain their license to prac­tice. This entit­les them to work the­ra­peu­ti­cally and to treat pati­ents. But even within “clas­si­cal” psy­cho­the­rapy there are dif­fe­ren­ces in metho­do­logy that you need to know in order to make the right decis­ion! To give you some ori­en­ta­tion, we pre­sent all four dif­fe­rent forms of the­rapy here.

The beha­vi­oral therapist

Beha­vior the­rapy is based on lear­ning theory and assu­mes that, as the name sug­gests, “pro­ble­ma­tic” beha­vior has been learned.

Envi­ron­men­tal sti­muli trig­ger a spe­ci­fic response, which has been lear­ned and occurs recurr­ently to the same or simi­lar stimuli.


Tim visi­ted the bird park very often as a child. One day, when he got too close to an ost­rich, it snap­ped at Tim. Since then, he has never visi­ted a bird park again because he is incre­di­bly afraid of birds.

In this exam­ple, the envi­ron­men­tal sti­mu­lus was the snap­ping ost­rich, which caused a reac­tion, namely the avo­id­ance of bird parks. Since a bird park is not a dan­ge­rous place and Tim might want to visit such a park again in the future, the avo­id­ance beha­vior is a “pro­ble­ma­tic” beha­vior that needs to be cor­rec­ted. Beha­vi­oral the­rapy now relies on Tim lear­ning that bird parks are not so dan­ge­rous after all and that he does not nor­mally have to be afraid of an ost­rich. The first step could be to talk about bou­quets, then watch videos and finally visit a bird park. Posi­tive fee­lings of suc­cess help Tim to forget this trau­ma­tic situa­tion. This pro­ce­dure is called Sys­te­ma­tic Desensitization.

Areas of appli­ca­tion include:

  • Anxiety dis­or­ders
  • Depen­den­cies
  • Affec­tive dis­or­ders such as depression
  • Stress dis­or­ders
  • Eating dis­or­ders
  • Per­so­na­lity Disorders
  • eg.

The depth psychologist

Depth psy­cho­logy, in con­trast to beha­vi­oral the­rapy, is less con­cer­ned with direct beha­vior and more with the “deep” uncon­scious. Thus, a pro­ble­ma­tic situa­tion can be traced back to repres­sed expe­ri­en­ces or uncon­scious needs. In depth psy­cho­logy, these are iden­ti­fied through dis­cus­sions bet­ween the­ra­pist and client. The cla­ri­fi­ca­tion of the uncon­scious sub­se­quently leads to an alle­via­tion of suffering.


Julia has had a pro­blem mee­ting new people for quite some time because she can’t manage to approach people. Through the­rapy, she rea­li­zes that this cir­cum­s­tance is due to the fact that her father always rejec­ted her as a child. By resol­ving the uncon­scious con­flict, she was able to improve this trait.

Through the joint dis­cus­sions with the the­ra­pist, Tina was able to find out that her suf­fe­ring was due to rejec­tion by her father. Through a reeva­lua­tion, she mana­ged to resolve this uncon­scious con­flict, over­come the rejec­tion and regain an extra­ver­ted nature.

Depth psy­cho­logy is extra­or­di­na­rily hel­pful in cases of suf­fe­ring to which, at first glance, no origin can be assi­gned. Often just tal­king to the the­ra­pist helps to reco­gnize and ful­fill uncon­scious needs.

The psy­cho­ana­lyst

Psy­cho­ana­ly­sis is a reco­gni­zed form of psy­cho­the­rapy deve­lo­ped by the well-known neu­ro­lo­gist Sieg­mund Freud. Alt­hough it later evol­ved into depth psy­cho­logy, the “ori­gi­nal form” is still prac­ti­ced today. The main goal is to fathom the uncon­scious and thus end psy­cho­lo­gi­cal suf­fe­ring. Important and well-known methods include free asso­cia­tion and dream interpretation.

The Sys­te­mic Therapist

The focus of sys­te­ma­tic the­rapy is on the social con­text of mental dis­or­ders. The inter­ac­tion within mem­bers of the family is given spe­cial atten­tion. Thus, pro­blems are not to be unders­tood as dis­or­ders of the single indi­vi­dual, but more as dis­or­ders in the social envi­ron­ment, i.e. the system.

Pos­si­ble sys­tems are the family, but also the work envi­ron­ment, the circle of fri­ends or simi­lar social groups.

At the begin­ning of the­rapy, goals are con­cre­ti­zed bet­ween the­ra­pist and client, but these can also change during the­rapy. If these goals are accep­ta­ble to both sides, the­rapy is started.

Examp­les of tech­ni­ques of this theory are:

  • Socio­grams
  • Cir­cu­lar questions
  • Scale issues
  • Meta­phors
  • etc.

List of Heidelberg Psychotherapists


Sarah Klein

Haupt­str. 22
69117 Heidelberg

R. Zank

Obere Neckar­str. 10
69117 Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Annette Kämmerer

Karl-Ludwig-Str. 2
69117 Heidelberg

Marc Hörs­ter

Kai­ser­str. 52
69121 Heidelberg

M.Sc. Psych. Hannah Neubauer

Neckar­sta­den 18
69117 Heidelberg

Frie­de­rike Thiel

Land­haus­str. 15
69115 Heidelberg

Dr. Sebas­tian Pohlack

Berg­hei­mer Str. 69a
69115 Heidelberg

Dr. Ruth Schubert

Bahn­hofstr. 53a
69115 Heidelberg

Dr. Pas­ca­line Herzenstiel

Kuno-Fischer-Str. 7
69120 Heidelberg

Dr. Miriam Gschwendt

Ber­li­ner Str. 45
69120 Heidelberg

Dr. Katha­rina Joest

Plöck 17-18
69117 Heidelberg

Dr. Hen­ning Freund

Wil­helm­str. 11
69115 Heidelberg

Dr. Eva Blitzner

Rohr­ba­cher Str. 57
69115 Heidelberg

Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Flo­rian Theis

Berg­str. 85
69121 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Ste­fa­nie Rath

Post­str. 48
69115 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Sabine Metzger

Ufer­str. 12
69120 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Nina Kaul

Bun­sen­str. 18
69115 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Nina Gramlich

Krah­nen­gasse 9
69117 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Maria Gehrt

Bieths­str. 20
69121 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Lena von Freyhold

Brü­cken­kopf­str. 1/2
69120 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Julia Aghotor

Wer­der­str. 48
69120 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Joa­chim von Twardowski

Sofi­en­str. 11
69115 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Hannah Strimpf

Blu­men­thal­str. 40
69120 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Fabian Hahn

Luther­str. 25a
69120 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Eva Senges-Anderson

Thea­ter­str. 18
69117 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Con­stanze Brenner

Franz-Knauff-Str. 2-4
69115 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Clau­dia Brauchle-Müller

Schrö­der­str. 46a
69120 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Chris­tina Lemken-Sikosek

Post­str. 4
69115 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Arndt Linsenhoff

Haupt­str. 79
69117 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Anja Dodek

Thea­ter­str. 18
69117 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Andrea Zimmermann

Ufer­str. 12
69120 Heidelberg

Dipl.-Psych. Andrea Grau

Post­str. 4
69115 Heidelberg

Chris­toph Bundis

Post­str. 4
69115 Heidelberg