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Heidelberg Guide

The Heidelberg Blog with a lot of ❤
Pic­ture by Domi­nik Pau­netto (our favou­rite Pho­to­grapher in Heidelberg) ❤

Heidelberg Guide

– is our Heidelberg blog for all topics in and around Heidelberg. We want to show our city from its most beau­tiful side and give many insi­der tips so that you know exactly when, where and why you should (must!) come to us in the Kur­pfalz or even best buy a pro­perty in Heidelberg. ❤

Our latest blog posts

Heidelberg Castle Festival

Heidelberg Castle Festival

What is the Hei­del­ber­ger Castle Festival?The Heidelberg Castle ruin is not only so world-famous because of the exten­sive gar­dens, parks, dreamy nooks and cran­nies, which are remi­nis­cent of the ear­lier times of the Renais­sance, and a popu­lar place for tou­rists from all...



Metro­po­link Fes­ti­val Heidelberg The Metro­po­link Fes­ti­val attracts thou­sands of people to Heidelberg and the region every year with its many dif­fe­rent urban art­works and num­e­rous events - but what is this fes­ti­val anyway? In the fol­lo­wing article, we'll tell you...

Hei­del­ber­ger Herbst

Hei­del­ber­ger Herbst

Heidelberg Herbst­The Heidelberg Autumn in Heidelberg offers various oppor­tu­ni­ties to explore Heidelberg in a new way. There are seve­ral events and open-air concerts.Table of con­tents What is the Heidelberg Autumn? What events are there at the Heidelberg Autumn?...

Stern­warte Heidelberg

Stern­warte Heidelberg

At the Lan­des­stern­warte Heidelberg (LSW) you have the unique oppor­tu­nity to observe spe­cial events like the blood moon or the solar eclipse. Due to the accu­rate instru­ments there is a chance to observe the events better.

Heidelberg Berg­bahn

Heidelberg Berg­bahn

What is the Heidelberg Bergbahn?
The Heidelberg Berg­bahn is one of the most modern funi­cu­lar rail­roads in Ger­many. By using both moun­tain rail­roads, you can enjoy a rela­xing ascent to the König­stuhl with a unique view of the Neckar valley.

Hol­län­der Hof Heidelberg

Hol­län­der Hof Heidelberg

The 3 star Hotel Hol­län­der Hof Heidelberg is loca­ted directly at the Old Bridge in the Old Town of Heidelberg and has a good public trans­port connection.

Christ­mas Market Heidelberg

Christ­mas Market Heidelberg

The Christ­mas market in Heidelberg is a popu­lar Christ­mas market in the sur­roun­ding area. With around 140 stands, it also attracts visi­tors from fur­ther distances.

Haupt­straße Heidelberg

Haupt­straße Heidelberg

The Haupt­straße Heidelberg is one of the lon­gest pede­strian zones in Europe. With its many his­to­ric buil­dings, it attracts many visi­tors from all over the world every year.

Hotel Zum Ritter St.Georg

Hotel Zum Ritter St.Georg

The his­to­ric Hotel Zum Ritter St.Georg was built in 1592 by the cloth mer­chant Caro­lus (Charles) Belier and alre­ady served as an inn 300 years ago.

Nine­ty­Nine Hotel Heidelberg

Nine­ty­Nine Hotel Heidelberg

The hip Design Hotel Nine­ty­Nine Hotel Heidelberg is loca­ted in the dis­trict West­stadt of Heidelberg. You can reach it very easily by car, bus and train.

Hotel Villa Marstall

Hotel Villa Marstall

The 3-star hotel is loca­ted directly next to the Neckar river and the Heidelberg Mar­stall. The pede­strian zone is also not far away.

Heidelberg Suites

Heidelberg Suites

Luxury Bou­tique Hotel with castle view in close pro­xi­mity to the Old Bridge / Old Town

St. Peter´s Church Heidelberg

St. Peter´s Church Heidelberg

The Church­The St. Peter's Church is the oldest church of Heidelberg and the former ver­sion of this buil­ding was first docu­men­ted in 1196. It was a Roma­nes­que church in the middle of a small vill­lage. The city of Heidelberg was foun­ded in the begin­ning of the 13th...

Heidelberg Guide is a ❤-pro­ject from stark.marketing Heidelberg.
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