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Phy­sio­the­rapy Heidelberg

Best phy­sio­the­rapy prac­tice Heidelberg

Neue Physio Heidelberg is wit­hout a doubt the best phy­sio­the­rapy prac­tice I have ever visi­ted! From the moment I ente­red the prac­tice, I imme­dia­tely felt well looked after and cared for. The team is incre­di­bly fri­endly, pro­fes­sio­nal and com­pe­tent. They take the time to address indi­vi­dual needs and create a per­so­na­li­zed tre­at­ment plan.

The prac­tice itself is modern and clean, which crea­tes a plea­sant and wel­co­ming atmo­sphere. The the­ra­pists are highly expe­ri­en­ced and use up to date methods to achieve the best pos­si­ble results. I have made tre­men­dous pro­gress in my reco­very and am thril­led with the results of my treatment.

What makes this prac­tice stand out is the per­so­nal care and com­mit­ment to pati­ent well-being. I can highly recom­mend NEUE PHYSIO! They are a real asset to the region and set new stan­dards in physiotherapy.

Trans­la­ted with DeepL.com (free version)




Zep­pe­lin­straße 11-33
69121 Heidelberg
06221 483 256

Sebas­tian Föh­ring Trai­ning und Therapie

Bach­str. 14
69121 Heidelberg
49 151 51930084

Reha Rühl

Hans-Böck­­ler Str. 2a
69115 Heidelberg
06221 16 97 53

Phy­sio­the­ra­pie Schmidt

Maaß­straße 24/1
69123 Heidelberg

Phy­sio­the­ra­pie Baierle

Berg­hei­mer Str. 36
69115 Heidelberg
06221 181218

Physio Camp

Am Para­de­platz 13
69126 Heidelberg
06221 43 54 199


Gais­berg­straße 4
69115 Heidelberg
06221 6732400

Elit­hera Gesund­heits­zen­trum Heidelberg

Römer­straße 245
69126 Heidelberg
06221 3382688

Domi­nik Klaes

Rohr­ba­cher­straße 124
69126 Heidelberg
06221 328 978 9

Back 2 Health

Haupt­str. 54
69117 Heidelberg
06221 4346964

Phy­sio­the­rapy Heidelberg

Phy­sio­the­rapy plays a cru­cial role in res­to­ring and impro­ving people’s health and well-being. In Heidelberg, phy­sio­the­rapy is par­ti­cu­larly rele­vant as the city has a high den­sity of pro­fes­sio­nals and prac­ti­ces offe­ring pati­ents a wide range of tre­at­ments and the­ra­peu­tic approa­ches. In this article, we want to shed light on the various aspects of phy­sio­the­rapy in Heidelberg and give you a com­pre­hen­sive over­view of its importance and application.

Defi­ni­tion of physiotherapy

Phy­sio­the­rapy, also known as physio, is a medi­cal disci­pline that deals with res­to­ring and impro­ving the mobi­lity of the human mus­cu­los­ke­le­tal system. It com­pri­ses various tre­at­ment methods, inclu­ding phy­sio­the­rapy, manual the­rapy, trai­ning with equip­ment and mas­sa­ges. These tech­ni­ques aim to streng­then mus­cles and joints, reli­eve pain and pro­mote gene­ral health.

The location of physiotherapy Heidelberg is in Heidelberg
The clinic offers a wide range of services and advice

The influence of phy­sio­the­rapy on health

Phy­sio­the­rapy has a signi­fi­cant impact on health, as it has a posi­tive effect on mus­cles and joints. Tar­ge­ted exer­ci­ses and tre­at­ments can alle­viate dis­com­fort and improve mobi­lity. Phy­sio­the­rapy also pro­mo­tes cir­cu­la­tion, streng­thens the immune system and helps to reduce stress. It the­r­e­fore plays a key role in pro­mo­ting gene­ral well-being and performance.

The role of physiotherapists

Phy­sio­the­ra­pists are highly qua­li­fied pro­fes­sio­nals who have in-depth trai­ning and exten­sive expe­ri­ence in the tre­at­ment of various health pro­blems and ill­nesses. They advise and care for their pati­ents indi­vi­du­ally and adapt the the­rapy to their spe­ci­fic needs. This per­so­nal care is an essen­tial part of suc­cessful tre­at­ment and helps to improve pati­ents’ qua­lity of life.

The therapist's screen from the other side

Tre­at­ment methods in physiotherapy

In phy­sio­the­rapy, various tre­at­ment methods are used to treat the indi­vi­dual health com­plaints and needs of pati­ents. These include:


Tar­ge­ted exer­ci­ses to improve mobi­lity, strength and coor­di­na­tion for work and training.

Manual the­rapy

Use of hand move­ments and tech­ni­ques to mobi­lize joints and muscles.

Equip­ment training

Spe­cial trai­ning equip­ment based on the exper­tise of the phy­sio­the­ra­pist that streng­thens mus­cles and impro­ves endurance.


Rela­xa­tion tech­ni­ques with the aim of reli­e­ving ten­sion and pro­mo­ting blood circulation.


Holi­stic form of the­rapy that views the body as a unit and spe­ci­fi­cally addres­ses health pro­blems. The com­bi­na­tion of these tre­at­ment methods enables phy­sio­the­ra­pists to create cus­to­mi­zed the­rapy plans for each pati­ent and meet the demand for a pain-free life.

The physiotherapy center in Heidelberg is not far away.

Phy­sio­the­rapy Heidelberg

Heidelberg offers a variety of phy­sio­the­rapy prac­ti­ces and cli­nics that use the latest tre­at­ment methods and tech­no­lo­gies to pro­vide pati­ents with com­pre­hen­sive, high-qua­lity care. The city is an important loca­tion for phy­sio­the­rapy in the region and attracts both resi­dents and people from sur­roun­ding cities. High qua­lity medi­cal faci­li­ties: Heidelberg is known for its renow­ned medi­cal faci­li­ties and cli­nics. The city is home to some of the best hos­pi­tals and spe­cia­list cen­ters in Ger­many, pro­vi­ding phy­sio­the­ra­pists with an excel­lent envi­ron­ment to train and net­work with other medi­cal pro­fes­sio­nals. Sci­en­ti­fic excel­lence: Heidelberg Uni­ver­sity enjoys a first-class repu­ta­tion in the medi­cal sci­en­ces. As a result, phy­sio­the­ra­pists also bene­fit from the pro­xi­mity to the latest rese­arch fin­dings and col­la­bo­ra­tion with experts in their field. The city attracts talent from all over the world to help drive medi­cal progress.

High demand: Heidelberg is a city with a high qua­lity of life and a gro­wing popu­la­tion. This leads to a high demand for phy­sio­the­rapy ser­vices, as people are con­cer­ned about their well-being and are loo­king for qua­li­fied sup­port. Well-trai­ned pro­fes­sio­nals: The Heidelberg region attracts well-trai­ned pro­fes­sio­nals from Ger­many and abroad, which enables phy­sio­the­ra­pists to exch­ange and deve­lop in an envi­ron­ment with other com­pe­tent col­le­agues. Cen­tral loca­tion: Heidelberg is con­ve­ni­ently loca­ted in sou­thwest Ger­many and is well con­nec­ted to the public trans­por­ta­tion net­work. This faci­li­ta­tes access to prac­ti­ces and cli­nics for both pati­ents and phy­sio­the­ra­pists. Diverse pati­ent group: Due to the city’s inter­na­tio­nal ori­en­ta­tion and its pro­xi­mity to other major cities such as Mann­heim and Lud­wigs­ha­fen, phy­sio­the­ra­pists in Heidelberg care for a diverse pati­ent group with dif­fe­rent needs and requirements.

Areas of appli­ca­tion for physiotherapy

Phy­sio­the­rapy is used in num­e­rous areas, including

  • Reha­bi­li­ta­tion: fol­lo­wing sur­gery or injury, phy­sio­the­rapy plays a cru­cial role in res­to­ring mobi­lity and strength
  • Pre­ven­tion: Tar­ge­ted exer­ci­ses and the­ra­pies can pre­vent com­plaints and injuries.
  • Tre­at­ment of chro­nic ill­nesses: Phy­sio­the­rapy can also be used effec­tively for chro­nic mus­cu­los­ke­le­tal health pro­blems, such as back or joint pain.

This variety of appli­ca­ti­ons makes phy­sio­the­rapy a valuable and indis­pensable form of tre­at­ment in modern medicine.

The importance of indi­vi­dual support

Indi­vi­dual pati­ent care is at the heart of phy­sio­the­rapy. Every person has dif­fe­rent needs and com­plaints that require cus­to­mi­zed tre­at­ment. Phy­sio­the­ra­pists take the time to pro­vide their pati­ents with com­pre­hen­sive advice and adapt the­rapy plans accor­din­gly in order to achieve opti­mal results.

Link bet­ween phy­sio­the­rapy and nutrition

A healthy diet is an important part of phy­sio­the­rapy tre­at­ment, as it sup­ports the heal­ing pro­cess and pro­mo­tes gene­ral health. Many phy­sio­the­ra­pists also advise their pati­ents on nut­ri­tio­nal issues to ensure holi­stic the­rapy. A balan­ced diet can help to improve per­for­mance and maxi­mize the suc­cess of treatment.

Vor­teile von Phy­sio­the­ra­pie für Men­schen jeden Alters

Phy­sio­the­rapy offers num­e­rous bene­fits to people of all ages:

  • For senior citi­zens: the­rapy helps to main­tain mobi­lity and inde­pen­dence and can pro­vide relief from age-rela­ted com­plaints such as arthri­tis or osteoporosis.
  • For ath­le­tes: Phy­sio­the­rapy sup­ports per­for­mance, pre­vents inju­ries and pro­mo­tes rapid reco­very after injuries.

By adap­ting the the­rapy to the indi­vi­dual needs of dif­fe­rent age groups, phy­sio­the­rapy helps to improve qua­lity of life.

How do I find the right physiotherapist?

Choo­sing the right phy­sio­the­ra­pist is cru­cial to the suc­cess of your tre­at­ment. Here are some tips that can help you:

  • Qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and expe­ri­ence: make sure the phy­sio­the­ra­pist has the appro­priate trai­ning and knowledge.
  • Recom­men­da­ti­ons: Ask fri­ends, family or col­le­agues for recom­men­da­ti­ons or read reviews online to get an idea of the qua­lity of treatment.
  • Per­so­nal con­nec­tion: Good com­mu­ni­ca­tion and a trus­ting rela­ti­onship with your phy­sio­the­ra­pist are important for a suc­cessful treatment.

By taking these fac­tors into account, you can find the right person for your needs.

The role of pre­ven­tion in physiotherapy

Pre­ven­tive mea­su­res are an essen­tial part of phy­sio­the­rapy, as they help to avoid com­plaints and inju­ries. Regu­lar exer­cise, tar­ge­ted exer­ci­ses and a healthy life­style are cru­cial to main­tai­ning health and impro­ving qua­lity of life.

Fre­quently asked ques­ti­ons about phy­sio­the­rapy Heidelberg

  1. What health con­di­ti­ons can be trea­ted? Phy­sio­the­rapy can treat a variety of health pro­blems, inclu­ding back, neck and joint pain and mus­cu­lar tension.
  2. How long do the ses­si­ons last? The dura­tion of ses­si­ons varies depen­ding on the type of tre­at­ment and indi­vi­dual needs, but is usually bet­ween 30 and 60 minutes.
  3. What are the costs for phy­sio­the­rapy ses­si­ons in Heidelberg? The costs vary depen­ding on the prac­tice and type of tre­at­ment. It is advi­sa­ble to enquire about the costs directly with the practices.
  4. Are there spe­cial exer­ci­ses that I can do at home? Yes, phy­sio­the­ra­pists often show pati­ents spe­cial exer­ci­ses that they can do at home to sup­port the heal­ing process.
  5. What are the bene­fits of equip­ment trai­ning in phy­sio­the­rapy? Trai­ning with equip­ment spe­ci­fi­cally streng­thens the mus­cles, impro­ves mobi­lity and can help to pre­vent inju­ries. This means that equip­ment trai­ning not only con­tri­bu­tes to reha­bi­li­ta­tion, but also pro­mo­tes fit­ness and well-being.