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Job descrip­tion

Con­trary to what many assume, the psych­ia­trist, or spe­cia­list in psych­ia­try and psy­cho­the­rapy, has not stu­died psy­cho­logy, but medi­cine. Often, after a dia­gno­sis has been made and the­rapy is ongo­ing, the doctor helps by trea­ting the pati­ent with medication.

The path of the psychiatrist

The duties of a psychiatrist


Psych­ia­try, psy­cho­the­rapy and neu­ro­logy are clo­sely rela­ted disci­pli­nes. It is not sur­pri­sing that phy­si­ci­ans, after their medi­cal stu­dies, do not prac­tice only one of these spe­cial­ties because of the simi­la­rity, but seve­ral, if not all of them. Accor­din­gly, there are spe­cia­lists in psych­ia­try and psy­cho­the­rapy, spe­cia­lists in psych­ia­try and neu­ro­logy, and various other forms.

Spe­cia­lists in psych­ia­try and psy­cho­the­rapy have, as the name sug­gests, a license to prac­tice medi­cine accor­ding to the Psy­cho­the­ra­pists Act. Thus, they are allo­wed to work the­ra­peu­ti­cally, just like psy­cho­lo­gi­cal psy­cho­the­ra­pists. In most cases, howe­ver, psych­ia­trists sup­port psy­cho­the­rapy that has alre­ady begun or will begin in the near future with the help of medi­ca­tion. The aim is to sta­bi­lize the pati­ent so that the­rapy beco­mes possible.

Spe­cia­lists in neu­ro­logy deal with the human ner­vous system. Since it can now be assu­med that mental ill­nesses for the most part either have a neu­ro­lo­gi­cal-phy­sio­lo­gi­cal basis or have effects on the ner­vous system, the tran­si­ti­ons bet­ween psych­ia­try and neu­ro­logy are often fluid.

Psych­ia­trists in Heidelberg

Silvia Anna Brinkmann

Hans-Böck­­ler-Str. 3
69115 Heidelberg

Regina Bin­nen­dijk

Obere Neckar­str. 31
69117 Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. med. Frank Guido Brecht

Bie­nen­str. 8
69117 Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. med. Flo­rian Lederbogen

Hein­rich-Fuchs-Str. 9
69126 Heidelberg

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Sibylle Häfner

Gör­res­str. 22
69126 Heidelberg

Ger­linde Stern

Bie­nen­str. 8
69117 Heidelberg

Gaby Tor­bohm

Sitz­buch­weg 76
69118 Heidelberg

Elke Hart­mann

Ade­nau­er­platz 2
69115 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Simone Bukow

Hein­rich-Fuchs-Str. 9
69126 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Sebas­tian Köhler

Frie­d­rich-Ebert-Anlage 30
69117 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Kaweh Tabakhtory-Fard

Hein­rich-Fuchs-Str. 9
69126 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Kath­rin Elze

Brü­cken­kopf­str. 1 / 2
69120 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Julia Koch

Brü­cken­kopf­str. 1 / 2
69120 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Inga Hug-Papperitz

Berg­hei­mer Str. 33
69115 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Hans Weidmann

Ber­li­ner Str. 45
69120 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Erik Weimer

Hein­rich-Fuchs-Str. 9
69126 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Cosima Förster

Her­ren­wie­sen­str. 2/1
69126 Heidelberg

Dr. med. Adal­bert Olschewski

Schil­ler­str. 12
69115 Heidelberg

Chris­tina Staemmler

Hans-Böck­­ler-Str. 3
69115 Heidelberg