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Event­lo­ca­tion Heidelberg

TOP FIVE! Of the event loca­ti­ons in Heidelberg

Now per­haps one or the other asks the ques­tion, what are events actually? And what are loca­ti­ons? One might think that Event is simply the Eng­lish trans­la­tion for Event. But this is not quite true, because there is a small but subtle dif­fe­rence. Depen­ding on the topic and reason, the orga­ni­zer wants to achieve a cer­tain goal with the respec­tive event. In order to show the dif­fe­rence to the event, a small spe­ci­fic detail is miss­ing, namely emo­ti­ons. If an event suc­ceeds in arou­sing emo­ti­ons in the guests, the guests will remem­ber the event demons­tra­bly better and longer. To achieve this, the event should be an expe­ri­ence, because by invol­ving the visi­tors, they per­ceive the event posi­tively. So now we have cla­ri­fied that with the event and the event, but what were the loca­ti­ons again? In German the term “loca­tion” is usually used as a term for “Ort/ Ört­lich­keit” and “Loka­li­tät”. Since the word loca­lity has been used syn­ony­mously for pubs, restau­rants and bars, the term “loca­tion” has also become firmly estab­lished in the German lan­guage for discos, clubs, cafés and restau­rants. Since we would have cla­ri­fied this now, we have crea­ted a TOP 5 of the event loca­tion Heidelberg for you, to give you a small remin­der in the future.

KaffeeKaffe - The mobile coffee bar in Heidelberg

Fancy a coffee?

A must at any event: good coffee! And if it comes with a good con­sci­ence – all the better. Kaf­fee­Kaf­fee is a social non-profit family busi­ness from Heidelberg with the phi­lo­so­phy: dairy-free, gluten-free, waste-free. The con­ver­ted UPS truck is a visual high­light and the other senses are cate­red for by two pro­fes­sio­nal por­ta­fil­ter machi­nes as well as various cakes and pies.

Kaf­fee­Kaf­fee Mobile coffee and espresso bar Heidelberg

Die Alte Weinfabrik

The spe­cial thing about this old wine fac­tory is that, despite its age, it still exudes a his­to­ri­cal charm that sedu­ces guests to cele­brate their events there again and again. The wine fac­tory was built in 1891 and only needed a two-year com­plete reno­va­tion in 2012. Despite this reno­va­tion, the owners retai­ned the con­cept of the fac­tory where tra­di­tio­nal and modern styles meet. No matter whe­ther bir­th­day or com­pany cele­bra­ti­ons, wed­dings, con­certs or dance events. The fac­tory is ready for ever­y­thing and is just wai­ting for your visit. For the right atmo­sphere there are dif­fe­rent deco­ra­tion uten­sils, light­ing sys­tems and a modern design. An abso­lute plus is that the fac­tory is not only a great event loca­tion, but also offers num­e­rous over­night accom­mo­da­ti­ons. If the wine fac­tory would not be for you, there would still be the Hotel Zum Ritter St. Georg, which is loca­ted in the main street in Heidelberg. There are par­king gara­ges in the imme­diate vici­nity (P0 Wool­worth 57, P1 Post­straße 528, P2 Bau­haus 200, etc.). Ano­ther advan­tage of the loca­tion is that it is easy to reach, as it is loca­ted directly at the Heidelberg Bis­mark­platz, the centre of Heidelberg.

Front door wine factory event location Heidelberg


Are you loo­king for an event loca­tion in Heidelberg that is situa­ted bet­ween the moun­ta­ins, has a Medi­ter­ra­nean style, is cen­trally loca­ted and yet remote enough to be able to cele­brate wit­hout limits? Then Moods is exactly the right place for you, because no matter if it’s a wed­ding, bir­th­day or com­pany party, Moods has ever­y­thing at your dis­po­sal. Because the spe­cial thing about it is that there are dif­fe­rent space opti­ons, such as a sty­lish con­ser­va­tory, in case it should rain or be cold on that day. Fur­ther­more, an event tent and an airy sun ter­race would be available. In addi­tion, you can expect a large sel­ec­tion of fur­ni­ture from dif­fe­rent tables to moni­tors, sea­ting plans for buffet infor­ma­tion and photos. If you have deci­ded to cele­brate your event at Moods, there is an addi­tio­nal advan­tage (which you may not have at other loca­ti­ons): you can hire a cate­rer and event pho­to­grapher with trus­ted part­ners of Moods, hire live bands or DJs and ask for exclu­sive deco­ra­ti­ons. If that’s not enough, Moods also offers you other spe­cial aspects such as : No addi­tio­nal room rental Cele­brate wit­hout time frame Free par­king spaces No volume limit Cele­brate from 60 people Accom­mo­da­tion can also be arran­ged imme­dia­tely, as the Günes Hotel Manage­ment in Rudolf-Diesel-Straße is only 500m away from the loca­tion. If this hotel is alre­ady over­c­row­ded, there is still the pos­si­bi­lity to go to a Hotel Garni, which is, howe­ver, one kilo­me­ter away from Moods.

Decoration for wedding room interior

Güterbahnhof/ Halle 02

The Heidelberg freight sta­tion is one of the few indus­trial loca­ti­ons in the Rhine-Neckar region and con­vin­ces with its size, loca­tion, ambi­ence and the authen­tic charm of former warehou­ses. Since its foun­da­tion in 2002 as a plat­form for con­tem­po­rary cul­ture and inno­va­tive events, up to 300 events with over 150,000 visi­tors take place every year. Far beyond Heidelberg, not only the audi­ence but also (con­cert) agen­cies and orga­nisers enjoy a very good repu­ta­tion. The loca­tion is split into dif­fe­rent areas, which tog­e­ther form a hall, foyer, club, back­stage and out­door area, as well as a restau­rant. Their events of all kinds are car­ried out accor­ding to their motto “urban, fle­xi­ble, crea­tive”. Be it work­shops, con­fe­ren­ces, galas, pro­duct pre­sen­ta­ti­ons (also auto­mo­bile), sym­po­sia (sci­en­ti­fic, theme-rela­ted con­fe­rence), exhi­bi­ti­ons, and much more. Here are brief key data on the respec­tive areas:

<tr Hall­Foy­er­Club­Back­stage­Lo­ca­tion in the open air­Re­stau­ran­t­Re­com­men­da­tion for use:No limits set, from dinner to con­cert to lec­ture and trade fair­Re­cep­tion, smal­ler lec­tures, rea­dings, clo­a­k­room and pro­duct pre­sen­ta­ti­ons­Par­tys, recep­tion, caba­ret, get-tog­e­therAf­ter con­sul­ta­tion Flea mar­kets, crea­tive mar­kets, street food mar­kets, trade fairs, cor­po­rate events After con­sul­ta­tion Size: 687qm 235qm over 231qm Over 200m 1700qm 196qm Faci­li­ties: bar, mobile bar, modern con­fe­rence, light and tech­ni­cal equip­ment, new stage house, mobile con­nec­tions No fixed equip­ment – wet area incl. show­ers, spa­cious and func­tional with adjoi­ning dining area with long table, three indi­vi­dual back­stage areas Power and water con­nec­tions fixed bar, open glazed kit­chen, glass front to the street, ter­race sea­ting Stan­ding room: 1200 per­sons – 440 per­sons – – – Sea­ting rows: 600 per­sons 180 per­sons 100 per­sons – – 80-100 persons

The phi­lo­so­phy of the restau­rant is to take the basic need of food to ano­ther level by brin­ging tog­e­ther craft­sman­ship and art to create a great memory. High qua­lity meals such as dry-aged beef­steaks, crea­tive sushi varia­ti­ons, vege­ta­rian but also vegan dishes are offe­red. In addi­tion, the NEO Restau­rant makes sure that only regio­nal and sea­so­nal pro­ducts are used. Of course, what should not be miss­ing, be it to eat or just to enjoy, is an excel­lent sel­ec­tion of wines, beers and long drinks. An abso­lute plus point are the vou­ch­ers that can be pre-orde­red at the NEO, which can also be a great gift idea. Depen­ding on the event the price varies bet­ween 25€-300€. For exam­ple, the NEO orga­ni­zes a NEO Family Sunday for pP at Easter. 49€ (the­re­af­ter every Sunday from 12 noon). For this price, you can expect enter­tain­ment for child­ren until 6pm, food and enter­tain­ment for adults. Child­ren pay 1€ per year (max. 15€) for food and children’s enter­tain­ment. A three course menu will be served, which will be served in family style.

View from Hall 02 Outdoor area
Restaurant exterior view
NEO Bar und Restaurant bar

Altes Hal­len­bad

If you want to cele­brate in a his­to­ri­cal event loca­tion in Heidelberg, you should defi­ni­tely cont­act the Old Indoor Swim­ming Pool. The entire com­plex, built in Art Nou­veau and Clas­si­cism, was con­s­truc­ted bet­ween 1903 and 1906 and is still a listed buil­ding today. The Old Indoor Swim­ming Pool is not only a great event loca­tion that you can rent, but much more! The event loca­tion is in one buil­ding with other ser­vice pro­vi­ders. Like the Body Worlds Museum, which is loca­ted directly at the ent­rance, to the left is a gas­tro­nomy “urban kit­chen”, an Alna­tura orga­nic super­mar­ket, which is loca­ted to the right, and a café, which is right next door. Fur­ther­more, the old indoor swim­ming pool directly above offers a coo­king and bar­be­cue course. The event loca­tion is an ideal place for in-house exhi­bi­ti­ons, con­fe­ren­ces and club nights. By the way, a light, sound, stage and pre­sen­ta­tion tech­no­logy is available for you. An abso­lute eye-cat­cher is the fully ani­ma­ted light show as 3-D map­ping (syn­chro­ni­zed visu­als, which should convey a spe­cial effect). No matter whe­ther for busi­ness with cus­to­mers and employees or for pri­vate use. The event loca­tion allows you a choice of two rooms. The first room would be the so called “Frau­en­bad”. Depen­ding on the sea­ting, up to 230 people can fit into this room. In addi­tion, the ambi­ence has two ter­races which are covered (50 people) and unco­vered (100 people). There is also a sepa­rate con­fe­rence room for up to 20-30 people. The second room would be the roof lounge, which seems per­fect for summer days. This is also where the Pri­vate Coo­king in the 1st Heidelberg Coo­king and Grill School would take place, which you can book as an option. By the way, over­night accom­mo­da­ti­ons are not far away at all, actually on the other side of the house, on Berg­hei­mer­straße is the Guest­house Heidelberg.

Old indoor swimming pool exterior view
Green park next to the old indoor swimming pool

Palais Prinz Carl 

In Heidelberg’s Old Town, cen­trally loca­ted on Korn­markt square, the Palais Prinz Carl offers a sty­lish func­tion room with a cer­tain some­thing. Whe­ther you are loo­king for a mee­ting or busi­ness dinner loca­tion, ren­ting a ball­room or want to get mar­ried in a roman­tic set­ting. The spe­cial thing about this loca­tion is that it has a his­to­ri­cal back­ground. In former days very famous people like Emperor Wil­helm I., Chan­cellor Otto von Bis­marck, Johann Wolf­gang von Goethe and many more went in and out of this loca­tion. Today the palace is available for pri­vate or busi­ness events where in former times, the Empress Eli­sa­beth of Aus­tria, known as “Sissi”, cele­bra­ted balls. The loca­tion admits itself as an expe­ri­en­ced wed­ding loca­tion and offers the­r­e­fore also indi­vi­du­ally tail­o­red wed­ding arran­ge­ments to make the cele­bra­tion some­thing very spe­cial. An abso­lute high­light of the loca­tion is that the Palais also offers wed­ding cere­mo­nies. In coope­ra­tion with a sel­ec­ted free­lance spea­ker and the regis­try office you can have a very per­so­nal wed­ding cerem­ony. In kee­ping with its motto “qua­lity not quan­tity“, the loca­tion offers its own high-qua­lity cate­ring, using only fresh, high-qua­lity, regio­nal and sea­so­nal ingre­di­ents and pro­ducts. For every occa­sion they put tog­e­ther a sui­ta­ble culinary sup­port­ing pro­gramme. You can also choose if you want to have a three or four course menu. Of course, the price also varies here depen­ding on the choice of menu bet­ween 49€ and 65€ per person, inclu­ding VAT, wit­hout drinks. Ano­ther advan­tage of this loca­tion is that the accom­mo­da­tion is not too far away. The next hotel is at the Korn­markt and only 10 m away from the Palais.

exterior view Palais Prinz Carl Location


We took a close look at the TOP 5 event loca­ti­ons in Heidelberg and it turned out that there are dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween the loca­ti­ons. If you prefer a more his­to­ri­cal loca­tion, then either the Old Wine Fac­tory, the Old Indoor Swim­ming Pool or the Palais Prinz Carl would be sui­ta­ble for you. The goods sta­tion and the Moods are a bit more modern. You should also be able to go astray, for how many people you need a loca­tion. This pro­ba­bly makes it easier to decide bet­ween the loca­ti­ons. My abso­lute favou­ri­tes are the freight station/ hall 2 and the Moods. The Güter­bahn­hof because with its dif­fe­rent rooms it can offer a wide range of cele­bra­ti­ons, events or func­tions. Fur­ther­more, I am con­vin­ced by the NEO Bar-Restau­rant with all its high-qua­lity dishes and pro­ducts, such as dry-aged beef or various sushi crea­ti­ons. Also because the freight sta­tion does not give me an 0815 impres­sion. If you like it a little bit unu­sual, you will surely like it here. The Moods is my second favou­rite because it offers a won­derful view of the famous Heidelberg moun­tain pan­orama, but is also cen­tral but remote enough to be able to cele­brate wit­hout any pro­blems, so that nobody feels dis­tur­bed. In addi­tion, Moods mana­ges a lot for you, from free wed­dings in the green, to con­fir­ma­ti­ons in the winter garden. All in all, I think that all five event loca­ti­ons are well equip­ped and with all their dif­fe­rent fea­tures they make a won­derful cele­bra­tion pos­si­ble, which hop­efully will remain a long las­ting memory.