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Hotel Zum Ritter St.Georg

All detailsPrices / Booking

The Sum­mary


  • right on the main street
  • right in the heart of the old town
  • all sights within wal­king distance
  • Can­cel­la­tion 48 hours before arrival
  • Dogs allo­wed by arrangement
  • own restau­rant
  • three spoken lan­guages (German, Eng­lish, French)


  • no pri­vate parking

The Hotel

The his­to­ric town house was built in the year 1592 by the cloth mer­chant Caro­lus (Charles) Belier and served as an inn alre­ady 300 years ago. It is also unique that the hotel has sur­vi­ved many fire fires over the years as the only town house in the whole of Heidelberg. So if you are inte­res­ted in the history of the Renais­sance, the Hotel Zum Ritter is the right place for you. The recep­tion of the hotel is open for you during the week and around the clock on weekends. You can check in at the ear­liest from 2 pm and you must check out by 11 am on your depar­ture day at the latest. If you are a dog owner, you can be happy: By arran­ge­ment with the hotel, you can bring your pet for only 10 euros.
entire front building, entrance, photographed from the front


You can park in the imme­diate vici­nity of the hotel for a fee. The par­king garage 12 (Kornmarkt/Schloss) is only 250 meters away from the hotel. If this car park is full, don’t panic, there are others in the area, for exam­ple the car parks P11 (Unibibliothek/access via Plöck) and P13 (Karlsplatz/access via Haupt­straße). If you arrive and depart you can even stop directly in front of the hotel until 11 am.

The rooms

In diesem his­to­ri­schen Hotel befin­den sich ins­ge­samt 37 Gäs­te­zim­mer. Falls du mit deinem Gepäck bei Anreise keine Trep­pen hoch­lau­fen möch­test, kannst du auch im Hotel den Fahr­stuhl benut­zen. Alle schlich­ten Zimmer sind aus­ge­stat­tet mit einem Bad oder Dusche/WC, einem Föhn, Haus­schuhe, einem Flach­bild­fern­se­her inklu­sive Sky, einem Tele­fon, einem Safe, kos­ten­lo­sem Zugang zum WLAN und einer großen Fla­sche Wasser. Außer­dem werden alle Zimmer täg­lich gerei­nigt. Im Hotel gibt es vier ver­schie­dene Zim­mer­ka­te­go­rien: Eco­nomy Class, Stan­dard, Supe­rior und Deluxe. Alle Stan­dard Zimmer liegen an der Sei­ten­straße oder zum Innen­hof. Die Stan­dard Ein­zel­zim­mer stel­len über­wie­gend auch ein ein eige­nen Schreib­tisch zur Ver­fü­gung. Der Groß­teil der Stan­dard Dop­pel­zim­mer sind sogar mit einer Bade­wanne aus­ge­stat­tet. Die grö­ße­ren Supe­rior Zimmer liegen auch alle über­wie­gend zum Innen­hof. In den Deluxe Zim­mern gibt es sogar eine eigene Tee­sta­tion und eine Mini­bar mit kos­ten­lo­sen Geträn­ken. Falls du dich für ein Deluxe Zimmer mit einem beson­de­rem Aus­blick zur Stadt ent­schei­dest, bekommst du auch einen Bade­man­tel vom Hotel. Zudem ist im Deluxe Zimmer Preis das reich­hal­tige Früh­stücks­buf­fet inklusive.
interior, bed, bed linen, table, mirror
 Curtains, View, Church of the Holy Spirit, Forest


The Hotel Ritter Zum Ritter St. Georg is cen­trally loca­ted in the middle of the main street in the heart of Heidelberg’s old town. Directly oppo­site is the market place and you can see the Hei­lig­geist­kir­che. Since the hotel is loca­ted in the middle of the Haupt­straße, you have free choice: If you feel like going shop­ping, there are count­less dif­fe­rent shops along the pede­strian zone. You can also take a look at the Alte Brücke, which is loca­ted right next to the hotel and then take a walk along the Neckar river. But that is your decis­ion. Maybe you also want to go to the Heidelberg Castle, there you can walk com­for­ta­bly or take the moun­tain rail­way. Since the hotel is very cen­tral, you can reach many restau­rants very quickly, such as the restau­rant “Papi”, Hans im Glück or the inn “Zum Nepo­muk”. Many dif­fe­rent bars and clubs like Café Villa, Jinx, Destille and many more are within wal­king distance in the evening.
main street, shops, lantern, pedestrian zone, houses
church building, logo, sky
 location, Heiliggeistkirche, marketplace, car, people, houses


For 15 Euro you can get a break­fast buffet in the hotel in the mor­ning. The hotel also has its own restau­rant called Rit­ter­stube. Deli­cious tra­di­tio­nal and sea­so­nal dishes await you there. You can choose freely bet­ween dif­fe­rent star­ters, soups, spe­cial­ties from the grill or Ritter’s clas­sic dishes from the house. If you are vege­ta­rian, this is no pro­blem, because the Rit­ter­stube has vege­ta­rian offers in its menu for you to choose from. The kit­chen is open until 21:30.
 number of meals, tables, decoration
Gastronomy, restaurant. Tables, plates

Offers and events

If you decide to stay in this ele­gant hotel, there are seve­ral other offers wai­ting for you: For 400 Euro you can choose 2 nights inclu­ding break­fast buffet in a supe­rior double room. With this Renais­sance-Arran­ge­ment a deli­cious 4-course Renais­sance menu, as well as an anni­ver­sary cele­bra­tion of 425 years of the hotel will be wai­ting for you. In the sple­ndid buil­ding of the hotel you can cele­brate indi­vi­dual events, like con­fe­ren­ces or also com­pany cele­bra­ti­ons. The Rats­her­ren­stube with 35 seats is ideal for semi­nars or other busi­ness events. For 51 Euro per par­ti­ci­pant the hotel offers stan­dard tech­no­logy, lunch and 2 drinks per par­ti­ci­pant in the room. But you also have the pos­si­bi­lity to cele­brate pri­vate par­ties like bir­th­days, con­fir­ma­ti­ons or wed­dings in the his­to­ric hotel. The Rit­ter­stube has 60 seats. But if you are plan­ning a larger cele­bra­tion, that’s no pro­blem either, because the restau­rants Belier and Rats­her­ren­stube have up to 85 seats each. You also have the pos­si­bi­lity to give a pre­sent to your loved ones, such as a weekend of rela­xa­tion in the hotel or a meal in the restau­rant. The hotel also offers you indi­vi­dual advice. Or you can com­for­ta­bly buy gift vou­ch­ers.

Event Pin­kNight

As part of the Heidelberg Star Gala and the PINK-MON­DAYs, the ele­gant hotel hosted the Pin­kNight for the third time. So if you are in the mood for stage acts, an after-show party and a tom­bola, then the Pin­kNight for 10 Euro ent­rance fee is just right for you. The hotel will donate the entire pro­ceeds from the admis­sion and raffle to the AIDS-Hilfe Heidelberg e.V. The event takes place once a year. You can find more infor­ma­tion on the homepage.


The Hotel Zum Ritter St. Georg with its cen­tral loca­tion in the middle of Heidelberg’s Old Town is per­fect for all those who want to reach as many sights as pos­si­ble within wal­king distance. Not only to the sights, but also to count­less restau­rants and bars you can easily walk there in the evening. Espe­ci­ally after the party in the evening, you don’t have to worry about when the next bus will arrive. The hotel is also ideal for a long shop­ping tour along the main street.

Prices, Boo­king & Cancellation

You can book directly via the hotel’s home­page.
The rooms in the Hotel Zum Ritter St. Georg start at about 79€ wit­hout break­fast. Prices may vary depen­ding on the season.

Should you not be able to start your stay, you can cancel your room 48 hours before the arri­val date. If you have booked for a larger group, it is best to dis­cuss the can­cel­la­tion policy with the hotel in advance.

Fur­ther impressions

human statue, upper body, helmet
 2 Portraits, couple, interior, gallery, woman, man, woman
Statue, sword, horse, photographed from the front
Trademark, Renaissance, Text
from the front, room number, corridor, complete door