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Untere Straße Heidelberg

The Untere Straße: Where Beer beco­mes Culture

Loca­ted in the heart of Heidelberg’s Old Town, Untere Straße (Lower Street) is a must-see for any tra­ve­ler visi­ting the area. This old, cob­bled street (col­lo­qui­ally known simply as “Untere”) is lined with small stores, deli­cious restau­rants and cafes. Howe­ver, Untere Straße is best known for its pubs. Par­al­lel to the Haupt­straße runs the pub mile with one bar in front of the other. There is some­thing for ever­yone here, whe­ther it’s cock­tails, wines or home-brewed and local beers. For cen­tu­ries, Hei­del­ber­gers meet with their fri­ends in this street at the end of work or on the weekend to drink a beer.


History of the Untere Straße

The history of Untere Straße dates back to the Middle Ages, when it was a busy market street. Today it is still a popu­lar place for locals and tou­rists and is known for its lively atmo­sphere. The street stret­ches from the old Hay­mar­ket to the Fish Market and used to be called “In der unte­ren Gassen”.

At the end of Untere Straße is the Hei­lig­geist­kir­che, a beau­tiful church dating back to the 14th cen­tury. This Gothic church is an impres­sive exam­ple of medieval archi­tec­ture and defi­ni­tely worth a visit. You can even climb the bell tower from which you get an incre­di­bly beau­tiful view over Heidelberg’s old town.


Some pubs have been spre­a­ding the Old Town atmo­sphere in Heidelberg for over 100 years and some are visi­ted by Heidelberg regu­lars for their entire lives. An exam­ple of a bar with such a long tra­di­tion is the “Reichs­ap­fel”, which was foun­ded around 1900.

Night­life in the Untere Straße

In Heidelberg, almost the entire night­life takes place in the Untere Straße and the old town. All people walk through the Haupt­straße, the Untere Straße and the entire old town from pub to pub. The atmo­sphere and flair that Untere Straße exudes at night is truly unique in Heidelberg. There are drinks for ever­yone and the atmo­sphere is rela­xed ever­y­where. Whe­ther you are a wine lover or a cock­tail drin­ker, the city has it all if you are on the right street. In the heart of Heidelberg’s Old Town, there are not only pubs but also some restau­rants that offer food and snacks until late at night. Howe­ver, the Untere Straße does not only live from the offers or the qua­lity but above all from its guests. A fri­endly and open atmo­sphere makes ever­yone feel com­for­ta­ble in the bars and on the alley. This unique atmo­sphere has earned the Untere Straße cult status in Heidelberg and is the abso­lute high­light of the old town for many people.


Heidelberg, and the Untere Straße belong tog­e­ther like milk and coo­kies. Every bar and restau­rant tells its very own story. The Untere the­r­e­fore is a must for every visi­tor to Heidelberg. With its unique charm and tra­di­tio­nal bars, Untere Straße truly beco­mes a one-of-a-kind expe­ri­ence. So the next time you’re in Heidelberg, be sure to include Untere Straße in your program!

Titel­bild: „Untere Straße, Heidelberg“ von see­len­pflue­cker ist lizen­ziert unter CC BY-NC 2.0.