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Neckar­wiese Heidelberg

The Neckar­wiese – Hei­del­bergs green soul

Hum­boldt once said “Nature must be felt”, because it was not only him who was so fond of the green. The Neckar­wiese is one of the most visi­ted and important places in all of Heidelberg, both eco­lo­gi­cally and cul­tu­rally. But why is that?

What is the Neckarwiese?

The Neckar­wiese Heidelberg is a 5 hec­tare green area within the Heidelberg city center. It runs along the Neckar River and blends in ide­ally with the green region. The meadow, which is about 1 kilo­me­ter long and 50 meters wide, is home to some tre­asu­res such as various play­grounds, pedal boat ren­tals or even vol­ley­ball courts. There is some­thing for ever­yone here.

His­to­ri­cal back­ground of the Neckarwiese

Let’s turn back the wheels of time a bit. Waaaay back in the days of the Romans, the region around the Neckar was a lar­gely unde­ve­lo­ped and bumpy land, which was enli­vened by one or two bridges and smal­ler ships. At that time, Heidelberg was also not yet a city that could live from tou­rism alone.

Hei­del­bergs new meadow</3> It was not until the 1920s after the river was turned into a fede­ral water­way that the Neckar was chan­ged into its cur­rent state, so that now there was not only room for large ships and bridges, but also green space. This was the birth of the Neckar­wiese as we know it today. Over the years, of course, the Neckar­wiese itself expan­ded, fol­lo­wed by play­grounds, clubs, and and and.

Cul­tu­ral significance

Simi­lar to the Old Town, the Neckar­wiese is also con­side­red one of Heidelberg’s main hot­spots for social inter­ac­tion, fami­lies, and the hustle and bustle of resi­dents. Accor­din­gly, the city also has a huge range of events on offer.

The meadow is espe­ci­ally popu­lar with young people, as it offers plenty of space for fancy after-school gra­dua­tion par­ties or mee­tings in huge groups.

The Neckar­wiese is a mee­ting place for sports clubs, ven­tures, school trips and much more. Groups of all kinds meet here and that is one of the best aspects of this place.

The land­scape and vege­ta­tion around the Neckar­wiese Heidelberg unfold their full power, espe­ci­ally in the summer, because these under­line the area around the Neckar with flowers, gree­n­ery and much more. Pic­tures­que sce­n­ery stret­ches for miles thanks to the moun­ta­ins and the castle in the corner of your eye.

So pretty! (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)



Mul­ti­ple gas­tro­no­mies of all kinds adorn the blue vein of the cul­tu­ral metro­po­lis, because this also has a lot to offer. The view alone makes you look right across Heidelberg, whe­ther you look in the direc­tion of the castle or Neu­en­hei­mer Feld.

Keep an eye out for Heidelbergs fancy kitchen! (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)


The Neckar­wiese Heidelberg is also a venue for club com­pe­ti­ti­ons such as the annual Heidelberg Rowing Regatta, the Fes­ti­val of Sports and the Heidelberg Triathlon.


Even the bar­be­cue areas and public vie­wings make for a great get-tog­e­ther on hot summer evenings, if you don’t mind the ani­mals and goose droppings.

At the Theo­dor Heuss Bridge there is also a pedal boat rental, which pro­mi­ses a great trip across the Neckar for the whole family.


In the direc­tion of Neu­en­heim is the ever-popu­lar water play­ground for child­ren, next door with a kiosk and DLRG rescue station.

Two vol­ley­ball courts com­plete the area next to the children’s playground.


If you like it a little more wacky, you’ll find it under the Ernst Walz Bridge. There is a skate park, where you can prove your skills on the board the inline skates.


Good old skate park. (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)

Castle light­ing

Nevert­hel­ess, one of the big­gest high­lights of Heidelberg’s sur­roun­dings cannot be missed: the castle illu­mi­na­tion. If you like the noise and the people, you will be rewarded with a color spec­ta­cle far from the goose pro­blem. The castle on the hill is illu­mi­na­ted with colorful lights throug­hout the evening and lights up the hori­zon of the city. Fire­works are shot from the Old Bridge for seve­ral minu­tes, so you should defi­ni­tely have your smart­phone ready for photos and videos, because you will defi­ni­tely get enough of the Neckar­wiese Heidelberg to see.


Castle. (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)


Vom Stadt­zen­trum ist man nicht weit ent­fernt, denn man befin­det sich mit­ten­drin. Der Bis­marck­platz ist eine 5 minü­tige Reise über die Theo­dor-Heuss-Brücke ent­fernt, dieser öffnet wei­tere Mög­lich­kei­ten im Trans­port rund um die Stadt. Egal ob mit den Bussen 34 und 31 oder den Bahnen 5 und 26, die Stra­ßen­bahn­hal­te­stelle Brü­cken­straße und diverse Bus­ver­bin­dun­gen machen die An- und Abreise zu einem Kin­der­spiel… wobei, bei dieser Aus­sicht laufe ich doch lieber. 🙂

Doch selbst mit dem Fahr­rad, Roller oder ent­spannt zu Fuß ist diese Loca­tion sehr ein­fach zu errei­chen, denn die Größe und Lage spie­len hier jedem in die Karten. Der Zugang durch die Ufer­straße ist eben­falls sehr offen und breit gewählt.


The Neckar­wiese Heidelberg forms one of the most important cul­tu­ral and social venues in the entire city. Here ever­y­thing is pro­grammed, whe­ther it’s rela­xing after a day’s work, effer­ve­s­cent bir­th­days or even mee­tings with the local sports club, the open and invi­ting atmo­sphere crea­tes an envi­ron­ment where any­thing can be done. You have space, here are many people, sun, water and fun, what more could you want?

Crazy! (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)