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Qube Hotel Bahnstadt

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Alt­hough you’ll have to rely on nearby public trans­por­ta­tion, stay­ing at the “First Class” 4-star hotel built in 2020 is one more reason to indulge in the Bahn­stadt and its many offe­rings. The Qube is easy to get to via the B37 and offers an under­ground par­king garage for its guests, who then may choose bet­ween offe­rings such as the cri­ti­cally acclai­med restau­rant or the open out­door and roof­top ter­races that offer views of all of Heidelberg. With its modern archi­tec­tu­ral style and brand new amen­i­ties, you won’t easily forget your stay!


  • Cen­tral loca­tion due to public trans­port (near Heidelberg main station)
  • Easy access
  • Own par­king garage
  • Modern room equipment
  • Big menu
  • Mul­ti­face­ted offe­rings such as ter­races and a bar area
  • Sus­taina­bi­lity (pas­sive house)


  • Sights are dif­fi­cult to reach by foot
  • Loca­ted near large intersection
  • Com­pa­ra­tively more expen­sive than other hotels


Since the hotel is loca­ted in the center of the Bahn­stadt, access by car is not a pro­blem, as the B37 high­way at the train sta­tion is less than 500m away and gua­ran­tees easy access to the Bahn­stadt. Guests arri­ving by car can park in the hotel’s own par­king garage for 15 euros a night. The under­ground car park also offers char­ging faci­li­ties for e-cars in spe­cial par­king spaces, other­wise power sockets. Free bicy­cle racks are also provided.

For all those who wanted to travel by public trans­port, they have drawn the lucky lot here. Because thanks to the nearby Heidelberg main sta­tion, you can not only get to Heidelberg easily, but also to the Heidelberg center.

The Bahn­stadt and the hotel can be rea­ched by street­car lines 22 and 26 from Haupt­bahn­hof Süd (main train sta­tion south) through the Gada­mer­platz stop, and a little fur­ther away also through the Czer­ny­brü­cke stop.

Howe­ver, it’s not a long way, because even on foot you’re less than 20 minu­tes away from the main sta­tion to the Qube. You can also get to the center of Heidelberg within 20 minu­tes thanks to good con­nec­tions Bahn­stadt offers itself.

Qube Hotel Bahnstadt



The sty­lish Qube Hotel Heidelberg is loca­ted in the new <em>Bahnstadt</em> dis­trict. It is a bit fur­ther away from the popu­lar sights, but the main train sta­tion can be rea­ched on foot within a few minu­tes. The adja­cent Bahn­stadt is defi­ni­tely worth a walk as well. The houses are all coor­di­na­ted in their archi­tec­ture and built very modernly. In summer, you can even dangle your feet in the water there when the tem­pe­ra­tures are high, because a shal­low water basin has been crea­ted along the street Langer Anger in the Bahn­stadt. The sights that are con­side­red MUST-sees, such as the Heidelberg Castle or the Old Bridge, are a bit fur­ther away from the hotel. Theo­re­ti­cally, you can even reach the old town on foot, but then you should plan a little extra time and sui­ta­ble foot­wear. Of course, it is easier by bus and train, because the hotel is loca­ted near the Gada­mer­platz, which stret­ches over the tracks of the main sta­tion. There is a bus and street­car stop on the bridge. The area around the hotel is not neces­s­a­rily the nicest in Heidelberg. There is a lot of traf­fic directly at the Czer­ny­ring and the inter­sec­tion at Spey­rer Straße and the area around the hotel is also always busy due to the street­car, but the traf­fic noise directly around the hotel is low. Due to the low traf­fic volume in the Bahn­stadt, you are for­t­u­na­tely spared from car noise in one of the quie­test areas of Heidelberg, and the hotel’s rooms are also all sound­pro­ofed, so the volume of traf­fic imme­dia­tely around the hotel should not be a pro­blem with guests at night. One should not always rely on the first impres­sion, because the modern design of the buil­dings of the new dis­trict and the family-fri­endly fee­ling of the Bahn­stadt invite to plan acti­vi­ties with the child­ren or just among the adults. The area around the Qube Hotel Bahn­stadt has some offers for fami­lies. Even the jour­ney from the air­port is one of the smal­ler pro­blems. The train sta­tion allows easy arri­val from Frank­furt or Stutt­gart and the loca­tion of the accom­mo­da­tion close to trans­port is ideal for tra­ve­lers with a long way.

So green! (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)
Colorful graffiti. (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)
Water playground (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)

The Hotel

The reviews of the cus­to­mers prove: the hotel manage­ment of the 4-star hotel Qube Bahn­stadt seems to do some­thing right. The Qube Hotel Bahn­stadt Heidelberg is not yet 5 years old, but has mana­ged through its restau­rant, hotel bar, roof ter­race and kit­chen in seve­ral maga­zi­nes such as “Der Fein­schme­cker” or “Espresso” to reap posi­tive acclaim from their cri­tics and guests. “In every area excep­tio­nally good and spe­cial” is the credo of the Qube, because qua­lity is their priority.

The fancy lobby area (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)
The alternative entrance to the lobby (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)

Offe­rings and services

After bar-hop­ping in the Untere or an evening at Halle02, you want to relax or enjoy a nice evening with your fri­ends? The Qube offers a sple­ndid bar ser­vice in the Signa­ture Bar until 2 a.m., where even visi­tors from out­side can wit­ness the skills of trai­ned bar staff.

Your palate can be tempted at the restau­rant, which will satisfy your hunger with local, inter­na­tio­nal and cri­ti­cally acclai­med dishes. The Qube restau­rant has alre­ady graced seve­ral lists of well-known maga­zi­nes, cri­tics and guests.

If you are more drawn to the city and Heidelberg’s world-famous sights, the hotel offers pri­vate guides and city tours so you don’t have to just see the area around the Neckar River in photos or on the Inter­net, but can expe­ri­ence it first­hand. Heidelberg offers count­less things to do, both for child­ren and adults. Heidelberg Castle alone allows ever­yone to have unique expe­ri­en­ces in the city of high romance.

Classic, stylish, good. (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)
The rooftop offers an exclusive view above the Bahnstadt (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)

The Rooms

One of the strengths of the Qube is defi­ni­tely the sel­ec­tion of hotel rooms, because there are a lot to choose from. No less than four room varia­ti­ons form the heart of the hotel, by means of which it defi­ni­tely convinces:

Stan­dard room

This is the simp­lest vari­ant of the rooms, but don’t be fooled! Because this cozy vari­ant scores with look, a modern equip­ment (air con­di­tio­ning, flat screen TV, mini­bar, …), LAN/WLAN and an allergy-fri­endly, non-smo­king accommodation.

Supe­rior room

This room vari­ant aims by its loca­tion on the higher floors and the view to the inner cour­ty­ard espe­ci­ally on peace. The equip­ment is the same as in the stan­dard room, but here there is also a small couch, which can be used as ano­ther slee­ping option and a bal­c­ony, with which you can gaze at Heidelberg even while rela­xing from the day.

Supe­rior room with view

These rooms are loca­ted on the hig­hest floors, so that a wide view over the city to the old town and far beyond is guaranteed.

Con­nec­ting Rooms

Here, two rooms and bath­rooms are con­nec­ted with each other, so that even larger fami­lies can find shel­ter here. As with the other vari­ants, both bed­rooms also have Inter­net access, air con­di­tio­ning and ever­y­thing your heart desires.

With a room rent of around 100-200 euros per night, Hotel Bahn­stadt is one of the more expen­sive accom­mo­da­ti­ons, but offers tra­ve­lers an unfor­gettable expe­ri­ence in Heidelberg. Howe­ver, the prices of the accom­mo­da­ti­ons will gua­ran­tee an excep­tio­nal over­night stay due to the pro­gramm and offers in the hotel itself.


The restau­rant and bar form the heart and soul of the Qube. With fancy décor, an exten­sive menu, and a play of sel­ec­ted inte­rior colors, the envi­ron­ment crea­tes a rela­xed mood, yet a very classy, extra­va­gant feel.

But it’s not just the atmo­sphere, the menu alone will leave diners of all ages enchanted.


The Qube Restau­rant Bahn­stadt stands for ima­gi­na­tive, regio­nal, Medi­ter­ra­nean and inter­na­tio­nal cui­sine that focu­ses on sus­taina­bi­lity and regio­na­lity. This not only sounds pro­mi­sing, much is also pro­mi­sed by the reviews around the hotel itself, making it one of the best rated city restau­rants in Heidelberg. Dishes from all over the world adorn the menus of the hotel in the Bahn­stadt, thus ope­ning the gates for adults and child­ren to embark on a culinary expe­di­tion. Howe­ver, you don’t have to do wit­hout breakfast.

In the mor­ning, you are well served with about 20 euros at the break­fast buffet even as a guest from out of town, because ever­y­thing is repre­sen­ted here from sweet to savory.

Qube (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)

Signa­ture Bar

The hotel’s bar area is pro­ba­bly the most illus­tra­tive. The Signa­ture Bar at Qube Bahn­stadt stands for excel­lent drinks, classy inte­rior and pro­fes­sio­nal bar staff. Whe­ther after a visit to the cinema in the LUXOR film palace or to pre­g­low for Halle02, the bar staff offer fancy drinks and cocktails.

The bar is the heart and soul of the hotel. (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)

Events and meetings

Whe­ther it’s a large busi­ness mee­ting or a simple family cele­bra­tion, the Qube has some­thing up its sleeve for everything.

The lounge near the bar, the public out­door ter­race or the over­loo­king roof ter­race offer groups of all kinds the per­fect envi­ron­ment for a cozy and rela­xed get-together.

For cor­po­rate mee­tings or pro­fes­sio­nal mee­tings, there are also three mee­ting rooms available, sui­ta­ble for smal­ler mee­tings to semi­nars. From 70sqm to 140sqm, there is room for ever­yone at Hotel Qube Bahnstadt.

conference rooms (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)

Check In and help

Through the tele­phone in the room or by mail, the hotel impres­ses with ser­vice. Guests know that the staff is com­pe­tent, hel­pful and caring. Whe­ther it is assis­tance with check-in, hand­ling a boo­king or orga­ni­zing depar­ture, the hotel manage­ment is always at the guests’ disposal.

The recep­tion is staf­fed from 6 am to 12 pm, but if you arrive after mid­night you should call beforehand.

A boo­king is pro­ces­sed quickly, excel­lent faci­li­tiy and WLAN are pro­vi­ded. The ser­vice is right, because the well-being of their cus­to­mers is the focus of the manage­ment. After all, that’s what matters.


The Qube Bahn­stadt scores not only with its well-roun­ded and modern look, but also with many offers and state-of-the-art facilities.

The secluded loca­tion bet­ween resi­den­tial buil­dings of the new Bahn­stadt makes the hotel an ideal quiet retreat due to its pro­xi­mity to the main train sta­tion and the public trans­port con­nec­tion next door, which is howe­ver not far from the city’s action. The very young Bahn­stadt also com­ple­ments it with its own offerings.

Thanks to the hotel and the Bahn­stadt Heidelberg, you could party here for days on end, because from clas­sic bar ope­ra­ti­ons to loud par­ties in the Halle02, you are served with ever­y­thing pos­si­ble here. The view from the roof ter­race or on the map testify to a hotel expe­ri­ence that you will not forget so quickly, because for the price paid you will be more than satisfied.

Prices, Boo­king &


You can book via the hotelshome­page buchen.

It starts with around 100€. The prices may vary, depen­ding on the room you booked.

The hotel will inform you about the can­cel­la­tion policy when you make your booking.

Fur­ther impressions

Qube (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)
Qube (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)
Qube (Photo taken by Noel Bittner)