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Christ­mas Market Heidelberg

All Details

Date 2020

23 Novem­ber 2020 to 22 Decem­ber 2020

Loca­tion Bis­marck­platz & Korn­markt open until New Year / Karls­platz open until 10 January

Christ­mas Market Heidelberg

Heidelberg’s Old Town has its own spe­cial charm, attrac­ting seve­ral thousand visi­tors every year. At the begin­ning of the Advent season, the Old Town is addi­tio­nally filled with Christ­mas deco­ra­ti­ons, various stalls and the smell of cin­na­mon and mulled wine. The Christ­mas market is a high­light in Heidelberg for many visi­tors. Because in addi­tion to the many sights, the city also offers a large Christ­mas market that takes place through the entire Old Town. With its unique sce­n­ery, espe­ci­ally the Heidelberg Castle, the Heidelberg Christ­mas Market is one of the most beau­tiful mar­kets in Germany.

In the Old Town, espe­ci­ally along the Haupt­straße, there are about 140 Christ­mas stalls, dis­tri­bu­ted in seve­ral cor­ners. You can find the most dif­fe­rent stalls at the Bis­marck­platz, at the place of the Old Ana­tomy Garden, at the Uni­ver­si­täts­platz, at the Markt­platz, at the Korn­markt and at the Karlsplatz.

As many stalls as there are, there is also a great variety. One finds a lot of han­di­crafts, among them some beau­tiful advent stars and mosaic-like tab­le­ware and of course a lot of food stands with waf­f­les, crêpes, hot sau­sa­ges, hot chest­nuts, any kind of roas­ted almonds and much more. Of course, the stands with mulled wine, lumumba, Feu­er­zan­gen­bowle, children’s punch and other alco­ho­lic and non-alco­ho­lic winter drinks are not to be missed. Every year you will receive the annual cup of the Heidelberg Christ­mas Market with a new design. You can get the cup at all hot drink stands and can even take it home in return for the depo­sit. If you visit the market a few times, you might even have a small collection.

If you are still loo­king for the right Christ­mas pre­sent for your loved ones, you might find your luck at the Christ­mas market in Heidelberg. And if not: the Haupt­straße offers a lot of shops where you can find some­thing for the Christ­mas tree. A little tip: Every year during the Advent season there is the Heidelberg Shop­ping Night, where all shops, in addi­tion to the Christ­mas market, are open until 10 pm.

But the Christ­mas market also offers its guests other acti­vi­ties. On Mon­days, stu­dents get a dis­count on mulled wine, and on Thurs­days there are many dis­counts for fami­lies and seni­ors. On Satur­days there are guided tours of the Christ­mas market, for which you can either buy tickets online or at the tou­rist infor­ma­tion office. There is also a cam­paign for child­ren in care, whose wishes are ful­fil­led on that day, and an “Advent market of good deeds”, where social and dia­co­nal insti­tu­ti­ons are represented.

In 2020, pro­ba­bly on 30 Novem­ber, the mar­ket­place will be shi­ning all in pink. The reason for this is the “Pink Monday”, where cos­mo­po­li­ta­nism and tole­rance towards the LGBTQ com­mu­nity is cele­bra­ted. On this day, the Hei­del­ber­ger Aids Hilfe will take over the Bür­ger­hütte and coll­ect donations.

If you are not from Heidelberg, there are enough hotels in the Old Town near the market. Some of them even have the Christ­mas market right in front of their front door, such as the Art­Ho­tel or the Hotel zum Ritter St.Georg.


the loca­ti­ons

There are almost 70 booths set up on the Uni­ver­si­täts­platz. This is where most of the stalls are loca­ted and the­r­e­fore it is also the big­gest square of the Christ­mas market. For the smal­ler visi­tors there is an antique carou­sel, which is alre­ady more than 100 years old and still serves the Christ­mas market and its guests.

At the Bis­marck­platz and at the Old Ana­tomy Garden there are also some stalls. If you really want to see ever­y­thing from the Christ­mas market, start at Bis­marck­platz and stroll through the Haupt­straße. Because from Karls­platz to Uni­ver­si­täts­platz, many of the stalls are very temp­ting, so you might want to stay there with some mulled wine for the whole evening.

The market place offers food stalls and various han­di­crafts as well as stalls of some schools and clubs, like the one of the Lions Club. Usually there was a brightly illu­mi­na­ted pyra­mid at the market place. But in 2019 this pyra­mid had to be moved to the Uni­ver­sity Square, because a new high­light was built on the market place. A replica of the Heidelberg cask, which is in the castle, is now on the square in front of the Church of the Holy Spirit. Alt­hough the barrel is “only” half as big with a capa­city of 120,000 litres, it is still big enough to have a sales stand inside. The spe­cial thing about the barrel: Above the sales stand there is a small room for about 30 people. From there you have a per­fect view of the market place and the hustle and bustle that goes on there.

The “Win­ter­wäld­chen am Korn­markt” has its very own flair. With about 100 fir trees in dif­fe­rent sizes and shapes, the Korn­markt really beco­mes a small grove at Christ­mas time. The fir trees are deco­ra­ted with fairy lights and the stands are under white pagoda tents. The small children’s train gives the Korn­markt an almost magi­cal effect.

Atten­tion: Those who have child­ren should put the Karls­platz at the very bottom of the list. This is where the Heidelberg Christ­mas Market has its very own open-air ice rink until the begin­ning of Janu­ary, inclu­ding its own skate rental ser­vice. But the ice rink is not only sui­ta­ble for child­ren. Even for lovers, tur­ning a few laps with the castle in the back­ground can be a great expe­ri­ence. Espe­ci­ally when it gets dark, the Christ­mas market beco­mes really magi­cal with its light­ing. Howe­ver, you should be a bit more expe­ri­en­ced on skates if you want to skate at the Christ­mas market. Because when there is a lot of acti­vity, the ice rink can quickly become bumpy. And who really wants to plant ones­elf on the cold floor of the ice rink?

From 2010 to 2015 there even was a part of the Christ­mas market at the top of the castle. Even though this part was at least as well atten­ded as the rest of the market, the city had to close it down because of rare bats that have estab­lished their winter quar­ters in the castle.

If you still haven’t had enough, there are other Christ­mas mar­kets on cer­tain days in the other parts of Heidelberg, and there is also a Christ­mas market at the Heidelberg Zoo. On those days, visi­tors even get a redu­ced ent­rance fee. With small child­ren, who quickly get bored at Christ­mas mar­kets, a visit to the zoo during the Advent season is the­r­e­fore more than pro­fi­ta­ble if you want to enjoy one or the other mulled wine peacefully.